Dyslexic Character Sheets |
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Dyslexic Character Sheets for Pathfinder Second edition are here:
- Different pages for each class (I was doing it before it was cool)
- Space for your ancestry, background, feats etc
- Your character portrait, chosen from a long list or upload your own
- Extra pages for spellbooks, formulas, animal companions, etc
- Minis to cut out and play
- Translated into Italian (more translations on the way)
- Accessibility modes: Large print, high contrast, and dyslexic font option
- 100% free and open source
- Available as a JavaScript library to integrate into your own projects

Staffan Johansson |
I would suggest expanding the inventory sheet. I don't know about other folks, but my characters always pick up all sorts of odds and ends all over the place.
On your sheet, there are 20 lines for general gear + backpack gear, plus 4 lines for kits, 3 lines for expendables, entries for armor and shield, and spots for invested items, scrolls, and potions. Just looking at what kind of stuff I'd want on, say, a starting-level rogue, that basically fills out the whole sheet already. This is not a dig on your sheet in particular – I find that pretty much all the sheets out there have an undersized inventory section.
My suggestion would be to put armor and shield as one line each at the top of the page (maybe two lines for shields for those who have a backup), and just dedicate the rest of the page to two columns of generic gear. No need to split it off into sections of invested items, scrolls, potions, and expendables – different people use different amounts of these, and it's better to let each player decide if they want additional organization. A checkbox for "invested" would be better than putting invested stuff in their own section.

Vali Nepjarson |

I am immensely happy with these and I am quite curious as to when you expect to have added content from the various Lost Omens guides and most importantly the Advanced Players' Guide.
Obviously I understand that these take a lot of work and I'm not expecting them to be done any time soon. Just curious as to if you have an idea when you'll be getting to them, as well as what your priorities are in regards to different sources.

Shrink Laureate |

I am immensely happy with these and I am quite curious as to when you expect to have added content from the various Lost Omens guides and most importantly the Advanced Players' Guide.
Obviously I understand that these take a lot of work and I'm not expecting them to be done any time soon. Just curious as to if you have an idea when you'll be getting to them, as well as what your priorities are in regards to different sources.
The Advanced Players Guide is first on the list, and I expect to have the four new classes ready for patrons to test in the next few weeks. I'll then turn to the ancestries, archetypes etc in that book, before moving onto the Lost Omens books and other sources. Eventually I'll include third-party material like the Legendary Kineticist.
There are other things I'm working on at the same time: variant rules, improving the experience for translators, adding optional reference pages, GM pages like maps and NPCs, etc.
I post regular updates on the Facebook group, and you can also see my to-do list.

Staffan Johansson |
Staffan Johansson wrote:I would suggest expanding the inventory sheet.You realise there's an option for a larger inventory sheet?
I am looking at the full-page inventory sheet in the PDF version. If there's more expansive one, I don't see it.
This page has:
First column - Kit section with 4 lines, Items section with 12 lines, Backpack section with 8 lines, Expendables section with 3 lines, Encumbrance section, Money section.
Second column - An armor section, a shield section, a large empty space (taking up about as much space as six of the invested items in the third column), and a scrolls section with 10 lines. The blank space has "Image (c) Paizo Publishing" written below it, so it's possible that something goes wrong in generating the PDF.
Third column - Invested items section with room for ten invested items at three lines each, and a potions section with 10 lines.
I also took a look at the half-page inventory sheet, and I think that looks a lot more like what I would want. If you took that and made the following changes it would be pretty much exactly what I want:
* Expanded to a full page.
* Remove the "kit" and "backpack" categories, and just have "stuff" with a column for location and an "invested" checkbox next to the Bulk column.
* Replace the Invested Items section with another column like the first.
For some insight in where I'm coming from, this is what the equipment portion looks like on the sheet I'm currently using. That's 3x14 = 42 slots for stuff, and they're all filled up at 7th level. Get me a bag of holding, and I'll be needing five times that space. All the character sheets I've seen have equipment sections that are way too small. Adventurers (or at least my characters) are pack rats. They have a tendency to pick up everything that isn't nailed down, and if I can pry it loose they weren't really serious about nailing it down so it doesn't count. That's not just adventuring gear, but also "plot coupons" we find along the way, like "Notes from _______'s desk", "Book on _____ history", and stuff like that.

Staffan Johansson |
This is a rough sketch of what I mean. It's done in LibreOffice and I don't have any particular layout skills so it doesn't look very good, but it's a rough sketch of my idea of a practical equipment sheet.

Shrink Laureate |
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Adventurers (or at least my characters) are pack rats. They have a tendency to pick up everything that isn't nailed down, and if I can pry it loose they weren't really serious about nailing...
- Book of Irriseni pornography
- Cake with a potion of gaseous form baked into it
- Fork I found in the road
- A hundred swords
- Caged rat that's actually a transmuted minotaur possessed by a very angry little demon
- Goblin (live) shoved into a bag of holding with his head poking out the top

Shrink Laureate |

With the API for Hero Lab Online due later this month (just released for Starfinder), would there be any option for integration?
An interesting thought. Do you have any details?
I like the idea of integrations, but my to-do list is quite long already. I need to finish adding APG content, add other archetypes from the various Lost Omens books, work on the translations, add GM pages, make a new website, add third party content...

AJCarrington |

Their announcement can be found here. I love the formatting and layout of your sheets...thought this might be an interesting possibility for the future.

Shrink Laureate |
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APG is live!
The Advanced Players Guide content is now live on dyslexic-charactersheets.com.
You can now play the dhampir tengu swashbuckler you've been dreaming of.