Please cancel my subscriptions.

Customer Service

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I want to be crystal clear in expressing deepest gratitude and respect for the Paizo staff, from Lisa & Vic to the warehouse staff. The staff are - and have always been - phenomenal people in so many ways. From personal integrity to generosity to creative vision, it is remarkable how exceptionally awesome the company's employees have been, and I therefore so remark.

As a short exit interview, I provide the following as feedback as to the reasons behind this decision.

First, the company no longer makes products I - and my groups - want. This is more than just the edition change, although that's a part. We tried PF2. The game is... okay. Certainly playable. Certainly better than no game. And we burned through all the non-AP material that isn't PFS (and some that is) right away. With adventure modules being published at the rate they are, there just isn't material we want to play. There's no selection. The first two APs for PF2 don't have plots that even vaguely interest any of my groups. So... the PF2 experiment ended, for lack of things we could trade money for.

Second, the status-quo. There's so much to praise Paizo for, from embracing equality and inclusiveness to hiring diversity to supporting good causes. But there's a status-quo that isn't - in my opinion - okay. It has been years now during where there just isn't time to do the needful. There are several symptoms of this. The customer service email is an example. It's just shy of a thousand incomplete customer issues. Now, I know that some of those may involve matters that can't be handled right now, where - for instance - the matters are awaiting answers from outside suppliers. But the number continues to climb. Rapidly. I know COVID-19 is a thing. I understand. But if you're doing business, do business. Deal with it. Invest in a VoIP solution if you need to. Invest in a VPN solution if you need to. Invest in five more CSRs if you need to. But this has gone on way longer than a company should be allowing. While it's never impacted me, it's just not okay. Additionally in the status-quo regard, the support for the game itself isn't acceptable (to me). Pathfinder is more like a video game in complexity than a board game. The engagement on FAQs and errata is abysmal, and has basically almost always been. That doesn't make it okay, and I've always wanted my next PF product fix too bad to vote with my wallet. PF2 was the ideal opportunity to embrace community engagement and assign the manpower to handle errata and FAQs. Paizo is overworked. Period. That's not okay.

So, I hope this is taken as an attempt at positive, useful feedback, not as a bitter break-up letter. I won't pretend I won't ever buy anything here again, but it's time to end the ride.

Gazillions of thanks to everyone at Paizo who have inspired so many uncountable hours of tabletop joy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Customer Service threads are addressed from the bottom of the list to the top. By adding opinions to a thread which needs prompt attention from Customer Service, you are possibly preventing Anguish from getting the subscriptions cancelled before the next shipment.

If you want to discuss Paizo's overall direction as a company, I would suggest making a thread in the Paizo General Discussion subforum.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Anguish,

Thank you for the feedback. I do think it is constructive.

I have canceled the requested subscriptions. You should soon receive an email confirming this change to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

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