Fires of the Haunted City - Regent Conversation (Minor Spolier???)

Age of Ashes

Shadow Lodge

Okay, we just played the 'meet with the regents and earn their trust by answering their questions, hopefully by involving the skills they like' last night and one of them just caused us to scratch our heads.

I hope I am remembering this correctly:


Question: If your friend wanted to find a place to settle down and raise a family, what sort of home would you recommend?
Skills of Interest: Crafting, Nature, and Acrobatics.

Crafting and Nature were easy to work into our answers, but Acrobatics??? Has anyone come up with a semi-reasonable way to work Acrobatics into an answer for that particular question? I could maybe see working Athletics in, but Acrobatics is a rough one...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thinking back to book 2, the elves lived in tree top homes. While the surrounding area is obviously Nature, getting into the trees without a rope ladder/pulley system required an Acrobatics or Athletics check.

So perhaps I'd recommend a home in a elevated location, where you can freely jump from section to section.

Acrobatics is also the skill used to "Balance". So maybe a home on ship, or a mountaintop location with rope bridges connecting locations.

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