How do you pronounce Jeggare?

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Dark Archive

Random question time:

How would you pronounce Jeggare?

I've been saying "Jegg-er". But I realize the A is probably meant to be long like "Jegg-air".

But I've kind of been flirting with the idea that it's pronounced like a Spanish word "Yegg-ar-ray"

I subscribe to the philosophy that Cheliax is a cultural stand-in for Spain, so I lean Yegg-ar-ray, but I also like to imagine that there's an extent of bastardization of the language that comes with its long period of being distanced from the mainland to make it "Jegg-ar-ray" or "Jegg-ah-rey".

Of course, my subjective opinion on the matter might also be slightly coloured by my fondness for rolling Rs.

The bar in Old Dock, Jeggare’s Jug, is often called "Jeggy's Jug" so I'm thinking it starts with a hard "J" rather than the Spanish "Y" sound.
But I also lean towards a French pronunciation, which is with a softer (not quite) "J" sound... I'm horrible with spelling things out phoenically, but I think the best way to spell how I pronounce it is "je-GARE" ("ʒ-ɡaʀ") with the beginning sounding the same as the beginning of "je ne sais quoi"

Something like this:

I always imagined it like Warped Savant said. A bit more French sounding, maybe with an accent over the last syllable.

So 'je-gah-REH'

Warped Savant wrote:

The bar in Old Dock, Jeggare’s Jug, is often called "Jeggy's Jug" so I'm thinking it starts with a hard "J" rather than the Spanish "Y" sound.

But I also lean towards a French pronunciation, which is with a softer (not quite) "J" sound... I'm horrible with spelling things out phoenically, but I think the best way to spell how I pronounce it is "je-GARE" ("ʒ-ɡaʀ") with the beginning sounding the same as the beginning of "je ne sais quoi"

Something like this:

I agree.

Similar to to others here:


Odraude wrote:

I always imagined it like Warped Savant said. A bit more French sounding, maybe with an accent over the last syllable.

So 'je-gah-REH'

According to a pathfinder audiobook starring Varian Jeggare, it's more Italian (which makes the most sense for Cheliax, iirc the Kintargan Guards are called "condottieri" or something).

In that audiobook, it's pronounced "Je-GAH-rey". The "Je" pronounced like in Jeffrey, emphasis on the second syllable, "rey" like Rey from Star Wars sequels.

Nifflr wrote:

Random question time:

How would you pronounce Jeggare?

I've been saying "Jegg-er". But I realize the A is probably meant to be long like "Jegg-air".

But I've kind of been flirting with the idea that it's pronounced like a Spanish word "Yegg-ar-ray"

Just as a note, J pronounced as Y is a Germanic thing, not Spanish. If it were Spanish, it'd be pronounced like an H, so something like "Heh-GAH-ray".

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dże-gga-re. Hope that helped.

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