The Keys of Yhi and Their Victory

Serpent's Skull

Shadow Lodge

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After a horrible shipwreck, we came to the Eleder's Pathfinder lodge with our findings, eventually found out where the lost city was, we eventually managed to figure out what to do. Not only did we set out determined to stop a race war, we spent months after the final conflict working toward reparations.

Here's who ended up calling themselves the Keys of Yhi:

Ael'eraki Valiance, aka Aki:
CG half-elf half-Varisian human alchemist, worshipper of Desna. Crackerjack tinkerer, she made poisons, potions, and went on to learn about constructs. Her stuffed moth came to life and she made it her familiar. She eventually shrunk herself so she could ride Phoen, as it was called. The youngest member of the group, she found herself horrified at the realities of war, resulting in many spa days in Eleder. She went on to travel the world, stopping in Nex to design a giant beetle construct she could call her home.

Abner Little, stage name Roqueforte Passendale:
CG ysoki bard, also from Varisia. A runt in his youth, he finally got to travelling, and ended up on the adventure of a lifetime. He wrote and performed an opera of his adventures, of which disguised serpentfolk insurgents saw its first few acts and expressed their displeasure. His mandolin was inhabited by a vulpinal agathion, who wanted to see where he'd go and what he'd do. After bringing peace to Savinth Yhi, as well as beneath it, he went on a world tour.

Jijitimazoo, though there are some who call him Tim:
N Mwangi kobold monk/rogue/magus, breaker of cults, puncher of gods. He fled his home when demon-worship took hold, and held that violence could solve as many problems as it could cause. He kept asking to engage friends in sparring sessions, figuring he could learn spells that way. He eventually figured out ones like Longarm and Twisted Innards. (Think One Piece, only more body horror)
After having involved himself at the end of one god and the re-ascension of another, he returned home to fight the demon-worship with everything he could at level 17 (which was a lot). He never did stop throwing himself at any challenge that presented itself.

Duvri Kounug:
NG vanara jungle druid, hailing from a small community in the Laughing Jungle. He just wanted to bring a bag of grape seeds and the holy text of empyrial lord Halcamora back home. Instead, he found himself a Pathfinder field agent, protecting people from fire, getting eaten, and jungle humidity. During his travels, he found himself able to make peace with the charu-ka he once thought irredeemable. His love of storms led him to control them, and even temporarily become one. His only 9th-level spell, Winds of Vengeance, even let him become a huge squall wrapped in a slightly bigger squall.
After the first dawn the serpentfolk were able to see in earnest after thousands of years, Duvri gave them a sun shower, followed by a beautiful rainbow. He then spent six months rebuilding damaged architecture in the cities above and below, only to find that he had too much power for any one person in his small village home. So he became Venture-Captain Kounug, set up his own lodge, and went on to pioneer the listicle. He even once became the grape tree everyone didn't know they needed.

Wilfred Wezpol, Crazy Old Man turned Crazy Old King:
CN samsaran transmuter wizard, who cheesed his familiar so much that it ascended to godhood.
Actually, it turned out his familiar was the last vestige of Curchanus, who managed to regain godhood by cannibalizing the remains of Ydersius.
He started out determined to see what Eleder was like because he spent most of his life ignorant of what the Mwangi Expanse was like. Shortly after getting to Savinth Yhi, he stayed put in the Artisan district, crafting like mad. During attempts to sort out everyone's problems, he asked them if they'd be okay with him keeping everything organized, and after everyone agreed, promptly declared himself king.
He spent his rulership researching the Clone spell, then researching a method of achieving immortality so that his reign would last into the forseeable future (or at least until a bunch of psychopomps showed up and kept asking him when would he have all his affairs in order).

On the whole, the AP was enjoyable (most likely due to GM edits) though I was hit hard with the Middle of Serpent's Skull Issue. Between getting swamped by so many sidequests at once and repeated spa days wherein my character, who had CHA 5 (rolling dice for stats makes it fun and exciting, and prevents dump stats!) couldn't really participate for a big chunk of it. Worse, one dungeon crawl had all the other PCs hiding in an expanded extradimensional dwelling carried by mine, who snuck around invisibly; this effectively had the same problem from the other direction.
Fortunately, the end bit was a return to form, because everyone was involved with the whole thing. The battle with the high priest went off almost perfectly, between Wilfred's opening Polar Midnight and god-familiar attacks, Roquefort's many buffs, Aki's holy bombs, Tim's nigh-unhittable AC, easily passable saving throw numbers, and haste qi flurries (monks who roll for stats under generous stat distribution!) and a combination of Duvri's early Great Dispel knocking away Vyr-Azul's buffs and his summoned tyrannosaurs eating Vyr-Azul's bodyguard.
Against the Avatar of Ydersius Reborn, it was basically a matter of everyone rushing him and biting/chopping his head off. Fortunately, we had a god on our side so as not to have to deal with a potential Mythic Ascension.
I did like how the GM or the AP or both managed to turn the anti-semitic conspiracy theory on its head: it was the cavern-dwelling reptiles who were planning the race war, due to a patriarchal progenitor whose last words were "Kill All Humans" and a high priest who never let go of that anger. It was why the only two groups we did drive out were the Red Mantis and the Aspis Consortium. I was worried about serpentfolk explorers finding them first, and deciding humanity was still full of avaricious conquerors.
My favourite thing that I think was a GM addition was serpentfolk who tired of thousands of years of propaganda and who didn't want the race war. Between that and PCs who weren't sneering Chelish imperialists or foppish Taldans or what-have-you, the AP became less about "taming the savage jungle" or "we have to finish what Savinth started!" more of a focus was on inherited trauma and multilateral solutions.

Shadow Lodge

Two other things: during the entire AP, nobody died (though Wilfred came close, 1 HP away from it after getting ambushed by a tiger in Part Two), and that my character's only stat-boosting item was a Belt of DEX +2 that he got toward the end of Part Five.

Liberty's Edge

GM here with a minor correction - Wilfred did in fact die to the cursed shaitan in the Government District vault, but by that point, the party had traded a mostly-intact aboleth corpse to the Pathfinder Society for two freebie resurrections, so it was nbd.

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