Mrs_Hawngra_Ham |

I’ve got a player who’s interested in the Tuskhead company, having decided to play a younger Posandi family member. In an effort to tie this in a bit more, I’m thinking about changing things up in Book 1.
First, the original tunnel going from the Citadel’s vaults only led partway to Breachill as an escape, rather than going all the way to the town. However, that exit has been bricked up and covered with foliage on the outside. An extension was created for the tunnel going all the way to town, leading to a well at the back of Voz’s bookshop (a converted single family home).
Rather than recently making contact with the Triad, I’m going to indicate to the PCs that she’s been working with them for months, and has hired the Tuskheads to build a roughly quarter-mile tunnel so that she could (over time) clear out the undead in the Vaults and eventually create her assassin’s guild.
There’s obviously some holes in this plot, because there always are on first draft.
Can I get some folks to poke holes in this with the intention of making the general premise (Voz hiring Tuskhead to extend an originally-shorter tunnel) work?

Volusto |
Just to note, As written currently, the Posandis are secretly Asmodeans. Amera Lang, Posandi cousin, takes great pains and lengths to keep their faith and business dealings tight-lip.
If your player is wanting to still play as a family member that is a secret Asmodean, then you don't need to change anything on that front.
If your player has no interest in worshiping an evil god, then I'd do the reverse or make the Posandi's business information open and that they don't follow an evil god or that they have a terrible reputation of someone in their family being an infamous Asmodean follower that bites them on a day to day basis for business deals
And then add that Rorsk Axebane is secretly a follower of Droskar instead and his business has been booming since they get majority of the business work for the city and outlying villages. It would help fit thematically in Book 4 when they deal with a Droskar worshipper that is part of the Scarlet Triad.
As for the exit, that works for where you avoid them coming up above the Pickled Ear basement, chances are that if your players don't identify Voz bookstore as the first place to investigate, you may have the party left lost instead where they do some favor for Roxie to help business grow for her.

Mrs_Hawngra_Ham |

Just to note, As written currently, the Posandis are secretly Asmodeans. Amera Lang, Posandi cousin, takes great pains and lengths to keep their faith and business dealings tight-lip.
If your player is wanting to still play as a family member that is a secret Asmodean, then you don't need to change anything on that front.
If your player has no interest in worshiping an evil god, then I'd do the reverse or make the Posandi's business information open and that they don't follow an evil god or that they have a terrible reputation of someone in their family being an infamous Asmodean follower that bites them on a day to day basis for business deals
And then add that Rorsk Axebane is secretly a follower of Droskar instead and his business has been booming since they get majority of the business work for the city and outlying villages. It would help fit thematically in Book 4 when they deal with a Droskar worshipper that is part of the Scarlet Triad.
As for the exit, that works for where you avoid them coming up above the Pickled Ear basement, chances are that if your players don't identify Voz bookstore as the first place to investigate, you may have the party left lost instead where they do some favor for Roxie to help business grow for her.
To your first point, the current situation is that he’s a cousin who doesn’t know about the family’s faith... yet. He’s currently under the impression that they casually worship Shelyn. That’ll get explored further though, as eventually Amera struggles to keep it secret.
I still like what you mention about Rorsk though, and that fits with my general plan which is to eventually lead the character towards a “pox on both their houses” and him starting his own company, maybe shipping materials as part of the trade route established in “Trailblazer’s Bounty.” Given what I’ve heard from the player, I think they’ll enjoy running a business as a downtime activity.
As to them being lost, perhaps I can use the player’s Architecture Lore to indicate Tuskhead stonework on the tunnel. I think a late-night BnE to rummage through their books could show unusually large payments from Voz.