1e Intrigue library stats for Absalom libraries

Lost Omens Products

Liberty's Edge

I'm working up some libraries for my PCs to use for research while visiting Absalom. The two I'm currently working on are the private archives of the monks below the Irorium (one of the PCs has a connection), as well as the Forae Logos.

(Aside: If you're one of my players, this is the point at which I'd ask you to stop reading!)

I'm trying to build these libraries based on the guidelines set out in Ultimate Intrigue (SRD link), where you determine three or more key skills that can be used to research in the library.

The problem is, I can't really figure out which skills are appropriate for a library maintained by a bunch of monks of a god of knowledge, when there's another much huger library only a mile or so away in the Forae Logos. What's the defining feature of the Irorian library? What skills would be good for this library? Would it just be Knowledge (arcana, planes, and religion)?

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