Sturdy Shield good for the game?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Samurai wrote:
Data, I simply turned "Sturdy" into a Shield rune that can be placed on other shields, including ones with other abilities or made of special materials.

I had thought of something like a rune but that didn't capture the difference in Buckler's vs shields or the difference between materials. Basically, it would be too linear. I went through and tried to keep rough ratio in difference between these things as they improved in hardness.

It may be that a more linear improvement is what's needed ultimately since if a given shield doesn't reach a bare minimum of effectiveness and there isn't enough incentive to use a different material, then there's an issue.

Still playing with it. It's very rough at present.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
To be clear, neither I nor the book say you should be able to get any Uncommon thing, and particularly nothing I said even implied you could get spells restricted to a specific Class as another Class.

This is why there's "uncommon" and "uncommon" and it should be two tags. How about "restricted" for the stuff that you can get access to via class feature?

(Feats like unconventional weaponry not withstanding, as it applies to a vague category of things that are actually uncommon)

Deadmanwalking wrote:
I have no idea if you're serious or trying to mischaracterize my position, but this deeply mischracterizes my position to the point of appearing as a really obvious straw man.

I'm simply trying to understand the rarity system. Uncommon stuff is available if the character works for that, except if there's a rule preventing that; eg, focus spell can be acquired through feats.


Right now, I just can't understand why focus spell have rarity, since they can only be accessed through class features, and the GM isn't supposed to ban those spell - hence the rarity tag it doesn't seems to be a warning. It's just a rarity tag on a normal class feature - but neither Rage nor Graceful Poise have rarity. What does that mean ? It's easier to find a champion with shield paragon than a wizard with Force Bolt ? I don't know.

And how do those rules works with cantrips like Inspire Courage ? Cantrips aren't focus spell...

I sincerely envy the people who understand the rarity system. For me, it's just too complex. Having some uncommon things that are "impossible to get, ever" (eg uncommon cantrips) and others that are "obtainable by anyone with a bit of work" (eg uncommon non-focus, non-cantrip spells), having to know every feat ever published to know if there's a feat somewhere allowing some uncommon stuff (which may, or may not, means the stuff is impossible to obtain without the feat. I don't know), it's a bit too much for me. And yet, there are so many people who seems to understand how rarity works, so many people knowing that the intent of "uncommon" is that every GM give it to the PC at some point...

Draco18s wrote:

This is why there's "uncommon" and "uncommon" and it should be two tags. How about "restricted" for the stuff that you can get access to via class feature?

Is Inspire Courage more "restricted" than Barbarian's Rage or a Shield Divine Ally ?

Sovereign Court

Data Lore wrote:
Samurai wrote:
Data, I simply turned "Sturdy" into a Shield rune that can be placed on other shields, including ones with other abilities or made of special materials.

I had thought of something like a rune but that didn't capture the difference in Buckler's vs shields or the difference between materials. Basically, it would be too linear. I went through and tried to keep rough ratio in difference between these things as they improved in hardness.

It may be that a more linear improvement is what's needed ultimately since if a given shield doesn't reach a bare minimum of effectiveness and there isn't enough incentive to use a different material, then there's an issue.

Still playing with it. It's very rough at present.

Well, using the rune I wrote, you can start with any shield (let's say a normal Buckler for instance) and add the (Minor Sturdy, lets say) rune. So That would mean it gives +1 AC when Raised, Hardness 6, HP 46, BT 23.

I really don't think it needs to be any harder or more complex than that. If you are using my optional "indestructible shield" rule, then you only need to use the +1 AC and Hardness 6 part and you're done.

And I agree, if the shield doesn't reach a minimum effectiveness, there is no point in ever using it and you might as well throw it on the "dungeon-junk to be sold at the next city" pile.

Sovereign Court

Gaterie wrote:
Draco18s wrote:

This is why there's "uncommon" and "uncommon" and it should be two tags. How about "restricted" for the stuff that you can get access to via class feature?
Is Inspire Courage more "restricted" than Barbarian's Rage or a Shield Divine Ally ?

No, they are all specific class abilities. If you want to use them, you need to belong to those classes. If you want to do more than 1, you need to convince your DM to allow Dual-classing from the Gamemastery Guide. My DM didn't like the restiveness either, so he allowed all our group to become Dual-classed characters. (This was after the first couple sessions, so we went back and remade our characters.) I really like the Dual Class rules in the GMG, and you should show them to your GM and see if he'll approve the option!

I think I will just go with my solution. Using a linear runic bonus, some shields, particularly dragonhide shields, will be too much of a draw.

I will have a better draft posted in a day or so.

I am thinking that each shield will be able to get a single enchantment but they will be gated by material. So, I will leave sturdy, but that will work only for regular steel shields (I will draft a similar enchantment for bucklers with lower shifted numbers). It won't be as much of a draw though since the special material shields will be boosted a fair amount.

The other runic enchantments could then be affixed to other shields depending to their material (like how reflecting only works on silver, and the like).

Anywho, I will play with it. I am starting another PF2 campaign soon and want this ready for it since one of the player's loves to be the tank.

Gaterie wrote:
Draco18s wrote:

This is why there's "uncommon" and "uncommon" and it should be two tags. How about "restricted" for the stuff that you can get access to via class feature?
Is Inspire Courage more "restricted" than Barbarian's Rage or a Shield Divine Ally ?

No, but if you're a fighter you have equal non-access to all of them. Hence restricted as in "restricted area: employees only." If you are an employee, you have access. If you are not, you do not.

There are no if-ands-or-buts about it.

Data Lore wrote:
Samurai wrote:
Data, I simply turned "Sturdy" into a Shield rune that can be placed on other shields, including ones with other abilities or made of special materials.
I had thought of something like a rune but that didn't capture the difference in Buckler's vs shields or the difference between materials. Basically, it would be too linear. I went through and tried to keep rough ratio in difference between these things as they improved in hardness.

I could imagine it working with a different rune for Bucklers (or just a different progression for buckler), maybe with higher hardness but lesser hit points (because bucklers are smaller and therefore can be easier made out of harder metal or completely out of metal but less material = less hit points)

as extension of this one could also make a similar progression for tower shield (more hitpoint, less hardness so they hold longer and can grant their cover but are not quite as good for blocking)

so every kind of shield could have their own version of sturdy

Sovereign Court

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Data Lore wrote:

I think I will just go with my solution. Using a linear runic bonus, some shields, particularly dragonhide shields, will be too much of a draw.

I will have a better draft posted in a day or so.

I am thinking that each shield will be able to get a single enchantment but they will be gated by material. So, I will leave sturdy, but that will work only for regular steel shields (I will draft a similar enchantment for bucklers with lower shifted numbers). It won't be as much of a draw though since the special material shields will be boosted a fair amount.

The other runic enchantments could then be affixed to other shields depending to their material (like how reflecting only works on silver, and the like).

Anywho, I will play with it. I am starting another PF2 campaign soon and want this ready for it since one of the player's loves to be the tank.

You should try to create some way for Druids to get Sturdy shields in your rules too. I have 2 ways:

First, applying a sturdy rune to a regular wooden shield

Second, I wrote a new Ritual, inspired the game's past:
Ironwood (new 6th level ritual spell):
Cast: 10 minutes or 1 day Cost: powdered fossilized wood worth either 15 gp, or 150 gp
Secondary Casters: 0 Primary Check: Nature Secondary Check: Nature
Range: Touch Target: 1 wooden object of 5 Bulk or less
Duration: 1 day, or permanent
Effect: This ritual causes wood to become as hard and inflammable as steel for it’s duration. If if is cast as
a 10 minute ritual, it uses only 15 gp of powdered fossilized wood, takes only 1 primary skill check, and
the effect lasts for 1 day.
If cast as a day-long ritual, it takes 150 gp of material components, requires a
secondary check halfway through, and the effect becomes permanent. This ritual is used by Druids to
create wooden shields and wooden armor that is as strong as metal. Objects affected by Ironwood can still
be affected by spells and effects that target wood, like the Shape Wood spell.

If I buff up Darkwood, Dragonhide and other such non-metal shields, they can use those. I think that will be my solution.

This is the latest version of the document I will be sharing with my players when we start our new campaign. I am still fiddling with the document, shifting numbers here and there and generally adding bits and pieces. Its definitely not finished (I've added a pair of runes and still need to add more). LINK

This is done in GM binder - so whoever wants to can just copy it and change the numbers to their hearts content. I will probably be making Darkwood common in my campaign (and this document). I will also probably add "low-grade" versions of it too.

Sovereign Court

Cool doc, but shouldn't the Adamantine Buckler have either a BT of 38, or HP of 74?

Samurai wrote:
Cool doc, but shouldn't the Adamantine Buckler have either a BT of 38, or HP of 74?

Woops, fixed the typo. Thanks for the heads up. Still fiddling with it.

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