Monk, monastic weaponry, instance and ki strikel

Rules Discussion

with the weaponry monastic feat i can use my monk skills with my weapons. therefore, how would my attacks and damage be calculated if I use my ki strike lvl 1 in wolf instance, with a Bo Staff in hand?

And if I use my wolf instance attack using my bo Staff without the ki strike?

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You cannot make Wolf Jaw Attacks with a Bo Staff. Wolf Jaw and Bo Staff are both Weapons. That would be like saying that I want to use my Bo Staff to attack with my Long Sword Attack.

Monastic Weaponry allows you to use your Bo Staff with things like Flurry of Blows, Ki Strike, or Flying Kick.

If you make a Ki Strike with a Bo Staff, your Attack gains a +1 Status Bonus to hit, and it deals 1D8 + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning Damage + 1D6 [Force/Lawful/Negative/Positive] Damage.


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