Carver Hastings

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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


lemeres wrote:

Well, there is the hobgoblin feat "Remorseless lash", where enemies cannot reduce their frightened condition until "the start of your next turn" if you hit them.

I assume that you can continually reset the timer by hitting the enemy each and every turn. It fits with the name, after all.

so, at the beginning of MY next turn he will still be frightened, but he can only try to reduce this condition normally at the end of his turn, correct? Or is this condition reduced after the start of my turn?

that is, when it is my next time to attack, will my enemy still be frightened?


with the weaponry monastic feat i can use my monk skills with my weapons. therefore, how would my attacks and damage be calculated if I use my ki strike lvl 1 in wolf instance, with a Bo Staff in hand?

And if I use my wolf instance attack using my bo Staff without the ki strike?

thank you all so much for the clarification

Salamileg wrote:
Two-Weapon Flurry let's you attack twice as one action.

But can I attack twice (once with each weapon), without penalty, even if I don't hold an agile weapon in my off-hand?

and how do these two attacks count for multiple attack penalties ??

Whats is the diference between double slice (Fighter 1st level feat) and two-weapon flurry (fighter 14st level feat) ????

some doubts about the rogue

I created a rogue character and I have some doubts:


He is dedicated to Alchemist, as I intend to use the alchemical poisons in my weapons. however, I have a doubt about the use of these poisons with and without the rogue ability to "poison weapon".

1 - with my gun in hand and with the other free hand. With how many actions (with and without the "weapon poison" ability) I can poison the weapon and strike my enemy with the following poisons:

>> shadow essence (injury, held in two hands, 2 interaction actions)

>> Malyass Root Paste (contact, held in 2 hands, 3 interaction actions)

>> Blightburn resin (contact, held in 2 hands, 1 interaction action)

My doubts refer to the divergences between the rules of the alchemical poisons section and the text of the skill "poison weapon":

a) - the rogue skill says it is possible to use contact poisons, the description of alchemical poisons says it is not possible.

b) - the rogue skill says that I can prepare a weapon in one action, the description of the alchemical poisons presents several numbers of actions of different interactions.


>> Umbalancing blow: If I deal critical damage, my target will be flat-footed until the end of MY next turn, right? which would allow me to use my sneak attak advantage in my next attack, correct?

>> brutal beating: If I deal critical damage, my target is frightened 1, which would end at the end of his next turn, that is, before I act again right? which would NOT allow me to use the "sneak attack" advantage in my next attack if I have the "Dread Striker" ability. right?

>> What happens if I deal critical damage with brutal beating on an enemy that is already in a frightened 1 condition?

when can we have more posts about pathfinder adventure card game? They take a long time to appear ... We card game fans have a series going on about the characters. Please don't take too long.

Yewstance wrote:

With that said, if you're trying to compare just Lini (Core) to just Sajan (Core) in a vacuum, which seems to be the case...

Yes, that was the comparison I wanted to make. I am really delighted with the community and the issues raised here. thanks to yewstance and zeroth.

Lini became a great support but, i just didn't understand about Lini's new exploration mechanics.

Compared to Sajan, who has 7 blessings and 3 allies, knowing that he should bless practically everything he does with two or 3 blessings due to his low skill values, Lini has only 5 allies and 2 blessings.

as I understand it, Lini can no longer recharge animals after using them to explore (with the exception of Droogami).

if she tries to explore, she will be without her animals. So, like Sajan, she drifts to a more selfish side, or uses the power of her allies to help her group, without being able to explore multiple times in one turn.

this mechanics was well explored in the article about Sajan, but was not mentioned in the article about Lini.

Am I correct?

Lini became a great support but, i just didn't understand about Lini's new exploration mechanics.

Compared to Sajan, who has 7 blessings and 3 allies, knowing that he should bless practically everything he does with two or 3 blessings due to his low skill values, Lini has only 5 allies and 2 blessings.

as I understand it, Lini can no longer recharge animals after using them to explore (with the exception of Droogami).

if she tries to explore, she will be without her animals. So, like Sajan, she drifts to a more selfish side, or uses the power of her allies to help her group, without being able to explore multiple times in one turn.

this mechanics was well explored in the article about Sajan, but was not mentioned in the article about Lini.

Am I correct?

Lini became a great support but, i just didn't understand about Lini's new exploration mechanics.

Compared to Sajan, who has 7 blessings and 3 allies, knowing that he should bless practically everything he does with two or 3 blessings due to his low skill values, Lini has only 5 allies and 2 blessings.

as I understand it, Lini can no longer recharge animals after using them to explore (with the exception of Droogami).

if she tries to explore, she will be without her animals. So, like Sajan, she drifts to a more selfish side, or uses the power of her allies to help her group, without being able to explore multiple times in one turn.

this mechanics was well explored in the article about Sajan, but was not mentioned in the article about Lini.

Am I correct?

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