Who’s got the oldest current PbP?

Online Campaigns General Discussion

I was just curious. Most of the folks that had me beat seem to have moved on. Anyone have a PbP older than March 2008 with regular postings?

Where my grognards at?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think it's you, unless there's some glacially-paced game out there. The oldest one I'm playing in is from Spring 2011.

Makes me kinda sad in a way. Most of the old guard gone.

Yep, my Dresden Files game is from Sept 2011. Even with slightly rotating cast and slight gaps.

Anyway I'm happy that there's a few games out there that have gone so long.

Funny synchronicity... one of my PCs is a reimagining of Harry Dresden, if Harry Dresden lived in Sigil and ran herd on a troupe of exotic murderhobos ...

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I was gonna say Patrick Curtin. Been playing since...god. 08 or so. It's been a long time!

Freehold DM wrote:
I was gonna say Patrick Curtin. Been playing since...god. 08 or so. It's been a long time!

Hey Gary. Hope all is well in NYC

Yeah, the Faux Dresden guy just posted This gem:

Justin Case wrote:

Justin, still hanging on for his life, grits his teeth in frustration. And pain. His enhanced armor spell absorbed a lot of the impact, but that rock still felt like he'd been playing catch with a catapult. His ears are ringing, and his mind races. As usual, the best laid plans of the Silver Rose team seem to be falling apart around their ears.

Fortunately, they've had a lot of practice at this exact situation,...

"Grrrrr! Rassinfrassin, Blayze! Hop off! You and Sophi fill those giants full of holes! I want them to look like swiss cheese! Merle! Cast a Fly spell on Alessia! Alessia, help Karrin! You all catch up quick as you can. The rest of us will get to the camp and keep them busy til you get there! And WHERE did Hamar get off too?!?"

Memnon, zipping around like a psychotic amethyst hummingbird, swoops in to face Justin. The Mimir's eye sockets are practically glowing in delight. Apparently with all that the Mimir has seen, a flying dino and assorted would-be adventurers versus flying giants still seems to count as 'exciting'.

"Now what are you doing you Moronic Magus!? Don't you know the FIRST thing about strategy? You NEVER split the party!!" Memnon fusses at Justin while swinging around his head like an oversized Ioun Stone. He manages to sound concerned at least.

Justin snorts. "What we do best buddy. Taking whatever Chaos throws at us and making it ours. You know the old saying? 'When life hands you lemons, You squeeze the lemons back in Life's eye and say IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!?' Something like that anyway,..."

Justin re aims his wand at the giant near Sophie, snarls "SHAZAM!" and sends another lightning bolt arcing through the air with a crack before kicking the dino and urging it forward with a "YEE-HAW!"

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I was gonna say Patrick Curtin. Been playing since...god. 08 or so. It's been a long time!

Hey Gary. Hope all is well in NYC

Yeah, the Faux Dresden guy just posted This gem:

** spoiler omitted **

its okay. Things are...well, different. No idea when we are reopening.

Yeah ... I hear you. Nine weeks quarantined Here . I can’t even imagine what it’s like for an extrovert like yourself. Even I’m starting to go a little kookoo for cocoapuffs

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Yeah ... I hear you. Nine weeks quarantined Here . I can’t even imagine what it’s like for an extrovert like yourself. Even I’m starting to go a little kookoo for cocoapuffs

its pretty bad for me.

I havent seem Manhattan in weeks. The second job is still on lockdown.

The Strand may close. Forbidden Planet may close. JHU comics may close.

Things will look different afterwards.

Yeah. Well, as soon as it's feasable I'm coming in to support my favorite big city with my tourist dollars. NYC will survive!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Most impressive.

BoingBoing recently posted about a 38-year-old campaign and a 42-year-old campaign. Don't know if they were PbP, but prob not.

Boing Boing D&D Post

The Wold is a campaign that started in 1985 face to face, moved to play by post in 1996, and is still going strong.

Join Woldian Games

We're currently playing Core Rules Pathfinder 1.0 plus house options. And we need players. If you are interested, email me at cayzle@cayzle.com.

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