Alchemist 23 |

So I'm getting to take a break from GMing soon and one of the guys is running RR after my game wraps up. I want to play something fun, but I'm a multi-classing junky. I've got a few ideas here need to know how well they fit in RR. Looking for something melee since I know the rest of our party is skittish and likes to play way back. I'll also have to do my own buffs, that's just a given.
Esoteric Knight: Either a Cavalier (Ghost Rider) and or some Fighter then Psychic.
Bloodrager into Dragon Disciple
Thought Thief (Arcane Trickster Archetype): Psychic and Unchained Rogue
Arcane Trickster Bomber: Arcanist with Rogue and Bomber talent
Holy Vindicator: Cleric / Fighter dual welding Sun Swords
Max AC Fighter using Mobile Bulwark style and a Split Bladed Sword
Swashbuckler Bard of some kind

Dragonchess Player |

Some suggestions:
Esoteric Knight: Either a Cavalier (Ghost Rider) and or some Fighter then Psychic.
It may make sense for the ghost rider cavalier to be a member of the Order of the Beast to at least gain Wild Mount Shape. Also, instead of psychic, perhaps occultist with Trappings of the Warrior panoply to keep BAB high. Unfortunately, ghost rider trades out Expert Trainer, so Horse Master isn't an option. One other option to consider is starting with 13 Cha and Skill Focus (Stealth) to qualify for Eldritch Heritage (Ectoplasm bloodline) and gain a scaling DC "tanglefoot bag" that affects incorporeal as well as normal opponents.
Bloodrager into Dragon Disciple
IMO, no more than 4 levels in dragon disciple.
Arcane Trickster Bomber: Arcanist with Rogue and Bomber talent
Just remember that 1) Sneak Attack damage is not added to splash damage, 2) it's difficult to consistently gain ranged sneak attacks* before greater invisibility, 3) BAB will be low (avoid flanking in melee), and 5) bombs are not spells (so Surprise Spells has no effect on bombs).
*- apart from very specific races (such as sylph with Gloud Gazer) and/or magic items (such as a Goz mask) combined with obscuring mist
Holy Vindicator: Cleric / Fighter dual welding Sun Swords
Probably going to be frustrating until 14th-15th level, when you can finally afford two sun blades (according to the WBL chart). A more "attainable" option might be dwarf with two dwarven waraxes (or possibly waraxe/hammer, using a ricochet hammer, dwarfbond hammer, or dwarven thrower as a ranged option with a belt of mighty hurling) or straight DPR with two falcatas, using effortless lace to treat at least one weapon a light in either case.

Alchemist 23 |

Some suggestions:
IMO, no more than 4 levels in dragon disciple.
Just remember that 1) Sneak Attack damage is not added to splash damage, 2) it's difficult to consistently gain ranged sneak attacks* before greater invisibility, 3) BAB will be low (avoid flanking in melee), and 5) bombs are not spells (so Surprise Spells has no effect on bombs).
Why only 4 levels?
And Actually there is a rogue archetype that applies sneak attack damage to your splash weapons. Its not 'ideal' for the 'optimal' arcane trickster with full caster levels but to be honestly my list of spells I like ends around 7th level, 8th and 9th just don't seem as fun. Plus you basically do double bomb damage while also spamming spells sooo...

Dragonchess Player |

Dragonchess Player wrote:IMO, no more than 4 levels in dragon disciple.Why only 4 levels?
1) DD is only +3/4 BAB, instead of full BAB; 4 DD levels only drops BAB by one, but any more and you either just break even (5-8 DD levels) or fall behind (9-10 DD levels) on melee attack bonuses with the Str boost.
2) DD does not advance bloodrage (i.e. Greater Bloodrage) or DR.
3) The "best" improvements (+2 natural armor [in addition to improving Draconic Resistance], +4 total Str, gain a bite attack in addition to claws) are in the first 4 DD levels.
If you're willing to spend a few feats, a bloodrager/DD 4 can improve Str even more: Half-Elf using Adaptability or human (probably with Focused Study) taking Skill Focus (Knowledge [Planes] or Survival) at 1st, Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal or Orc*), and Improved Eldritch Heritage (Strength of the Abyss or Strength of the Beast) can gain an additional +2 Str (inherent, so it doesn't stack with manuals of gainful exercise or wishes) at 11th character level (bloodrager 7/DD 4) that improves to +4 at 15th (bloodrager 11/DD 4; the same level you gain Greater Bloodrage) and +6 at 19th.
*- Abyssal gives claws that can be used when not in bloodrage as a free action, while Orc allows a one round buff as a standard action