Advice for Variant Channeling Luck (Harm)?


So, I saw this ability and I'm pretty interested in it:

Luck: Heal—Creatures gain a channel bonus or a luck bonus (creature’s choice) on one roll (attack roll, CMB check, saving throw, or skill check) made before the end of your next turn. Harm—Creatures take a channel penalty on all d20 rolls until the end of your next turn.

With Quick Channel you can channel as a move action. Meaning:

Move Action > Channel to harm, incurring penalties on all d20s for enemies.
Standard Action > Cast an offensive spell targeting the enemy's saves.

The question is: how can I best make this work? What classes or archetypes would work well here?

Firstly, I realize that Charisma is an important stat for this character if I go this route. I unfortunately don't know of any good options that let me Channel Negative Energy AND let me cast divine spells drawn from a deity's power with Charisma, so I think I'm going to be playing a cleric one way or the other. If playing a Cleric... What's the best way to keep my channel likely enough to actually work?

Also, what Spell Focus should I take on this Cleric? After all, this would be intended as an aggressive caster cleric, probably worshiping an evil deity. Is there a specific school of aggressive spells I should use?

Thanks for any advice in advance!

Channeling is short range. Going for a bad touch cleric using necromancy spells may be doable. If the point buy concerns you warpriests channel with Wis, but they have a lot fewer channel dice/penalty.

Calistria and Nivi Rhombodazzle are a couple of neutral deities with luck in their domain list. Well, 'neutral' in Calistria's case.

Doing some bad touch could work nicely. I've got a few ideas for that...

This is for the Forgotten Realms, so I've chosen to worship Beshaba. My domain options are: Chaos, Evil, Luck, and Trickery. Fate is a subdomain option. Since my character will be Chaotic Neutral, Evil can't be picked.

My instinct is to pick the Fate subdomain for certain. (Alternatively, I can probably convince my GM to let me take the Curse subdomain; however, I think Fate is strictly more powerful.) However, while Chaos's level 8 ability won't come up often, that 1st level domain power is nice for bad touching things. On the other hand... that 1st level Trickery power is a Move Action and won't prevent me from casting spells, and having a mirror double is always nice.

For race I'm considering a half-orc with fate's favored and sacred tattoo, as that seems in-character and gives me solid starting defenses. Selective Channel at level 1, then alternate between spellcasting and channel feats after that as necessary.

For feats, Select Channel, Improved Channel (higher save DCs), and the spell focus feats seem important. For traits, I'm considering Fate's Favored (as mentioned) and perhaps something like Desperate Focus or Reactionary. +2 Concentration for a cleric that will be in melee a lot seems important.

Oo. Actually, I got permission to potentially roll up an Aasimar Cleric for this role later. That might be even better than half-orc: while my defenses would be considerably lower, having +2 WIS *and* +2 CHA could be exactly what this build needs.

Still, +2 to all saving throws is really hard to beat. And I could replace my half-orc's Darkvision with the Skilled trait for +1 Skill Point/level, which would keep me from feeling skill starved.

Quick channel could be handy. Move action channel + standard action spell is a nice thing to be able to pull out when you really need it, tho' too expensive in channel uses to do regularly. There are a few metamagic feats which might be useful - piercing spell, usurping spell, persistent spell, if you go with a neutral deity then blissful spell.

The other thing with domains is their spells of course and trickery >> chaos there.

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