Any plan for expanding core set and curse of the crimson throne ?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion


I have been playing the Pathfinder Adventure Card game for a few days now (I love it!), and I was wondering if we could expect any further expansions based on core set or even class decks (with the new card design).

I know, it might sound like a tantrum, but I don't like the idea of buying cards from the older version and mixing them with the new one.

I would love to have some updated class decks (even if they are in a print and play version).

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See the (growing number of) existing threads:

New to PACG; hoping for more expansions!
New edition expansion / character deck plans?
Release dates and future Adventure Paths
Whats next for Pathfinder Adventure card game?

Short answer:
No announcements yet.

Thank you for your answer :)

Wonder if we'll get any hints at PaizoConOnline in a few weeks? Hope So! (Granted, all I've done with the new set is Society play, haven't played through DD or CotCT yet, so not like I actually need anything new myself yet...)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Don't forget that both Dragon's Demand and CotCT are legal for society credit as well! :)

I'm going to expand on my initial question. Are there addons from PACC that do not require any looking at the conversion guide ?

Or which addons would you recommend ?

RY-ADO wrote:
Are there addons from PACC that do not require any looking at the conversion guide?

These are the post-Core scenarios/campaigns that are currently available: Go here for list.

Thank you, I got these printed :)

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