Brew potion question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Do you have to make any check to see if you make the potion right? The feat doesn't say anything about it so I'm not sure.

The section on brewing potions doesn't say anything about DC, so you use the more generic rules in Magic Item Creation without any alternation. So DC = 5 + Caster Level.

And as it says under brew potion, skill for the check is either Alchemy or Spellcraft. The fact that section is included under brew potion in the Magic Item Creation rules indicates there is a skill check even if that section of the rules doesn't detail out what the DC would be.

Ok, thanks. I'm assuming if they fail the check the potion doesn't do anything? I was thinking if they fail badly enough it might do the opposite of what it's intended to do, like a healing potion that damages you if you drink it.

The first paragraph under "cursed items" magic item section, CRB:

"Cursed items are magic items with some sort of potentially negative impact. Occasionally they mix bad with good, forcing characters to make difficult choices. Cursed items are almost never made intentionally. Instead they are the result of rushed work, inexperienced crafters, or a lack of proper components. While many of these items still have functions, they either do not work as intended or come with serious drawbacks. When a magic item creation skill check fails by 5 or more, roll on Table: Common Item Curses to determine the type of curse possessed by the item."

But, that should never happen with a potion. Max DC is character level +5, spell craft or alchemy should be level +3 +int mod. So with no int modifier or other bonus that cannot fail by more than 1. And why aren't you takimg ten anyway? That makes failure impossible even if you are pushing the DC up 5 to speed up production.

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