What Happened to Alex Shanks-Abel and Flaming Crab Games?

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Lodge

I don't suspect anyone can provide many answers, especially since it has so long for all intents it seems Alex just disappeared when it came to having an online presence and stopped replying to people contacting him. At least from any of the more public methods of contact.

You see, I was one of the backers of Flaming Crab Games' Archetype Compendium. Where it has been over four years by this point, with Alex's last update was about the second test print on April 22, 2019. After which there was nothing else, all communication stopped with backers.

Does anyone know what happened to Alex? Even more, has anyone been in contact with him recently? What happened to Flaming Crab Games?

It flamed out. He is not the only writer to do so after a funded KS. This is unfortunate but I have seen it now with several 'rpg game companies'

Grand Lodge

What is most frustrating, apart from no one getting any of what they pledged for, is that because he was on the 2nd test print, the material itself can fairly be considered complete. What he could have done is at least send everyone the pdf file... If nothing else. That, and the fact he just stopped talking to people. Where I have tried personally tried a number of different ways to contact him, as well try asking those who knew him.

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Jonathon Wilder wrote:
What is most frustrating, apart from no one getting any of what they pledged for, is that because he was on the 2nd test print, the material itself can fairly be considered complete. What he could have done is at least send everyone the pdf file... If nothing else. That, and the fact he just stopped talking to people. Where I have tried personally tried a number of different ways to contact him, as well try asking those who knew him.

Unfortunately, that is the risk you take when you back a Kickstarter: There is no guarantee of product delivery.

Pretty much your only recourse is to sue the creator. But unless you lost more than $1000 or so, it's not going to be worth the time and expense.

Case in point: Fire Mountain Games' Throne of Night adventure path. Successfully funded in 2013, raising over $40,000. The creator delivered two PDFs (of a promised 7) in 2014, and then nothing.

This is bitter to me as well; I actually wrote a couple of archetypes for the book, and was excited to see people enjoy them...

Silver Crusade

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:( *hugs End*

I didn’t back this one but I did the Recipes KS, I really liked FCG.

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Same here, FCG released some amazing books. I'd love to see a second cooking book, or a cokctail book, etc.

Silver Crusade


Incredible to see the Update with the second print run, and then nothing since. What amazes me is in a world of Facebook, LinkedIn etc that people can disappear so easily, or even stop communicating completely. I remember the inertia and weight of getting the Midgard Fanzine finished years after I announced it, so I understand *some* if the issues, but to scarper with funds delivered and then say nothing is also incredible.

Grand Lodge

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Endzeitgeist wrote:
This is bitter to me as well; I actually wrote a couple of archetypes for the book, and was excited to see people enjoy them...

Any chance you'd be willing and able to share your archetypes Endzeitgeist?

Glad I missed the KS on this one.

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@Jonathon: Per se, I'd generally be inclined to do so, but I can't share them as they are, as I sold them to FCG.

HOWEVER, I might well return to their *concepts* and realize them in new ways/different designs, if there's a demand for them, say by my patreon supporters, for example.

Grand Lodge

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@Endzeitgeist Well then I guess that I'll need to become one of said supporter.

I've offered to help Alex wrap this project up, at least to the PDF level. I haven't heard or seen anything from him in quite a while.

First expectation is a flame out, as mentioned above, but if so it seems to have been a very bad one. I find no sign of online activity anywhere in a long time.

Jonathon Wilder wrote:

I don't suspect anyone can provide many answers, especially since it has so long for all intents it seems Alex just disappeared when it came to having an online presence and stopped replying to people contacting him. At least from any of the more public methods of contact.

You see, I was one of the backers of Flaming Crab Games' Archetype Compendium. Where it has been over four years by this point, with Alex's last update was about the second test print on April 22, 2019. After which there was nothing else, all communication stopped with backers.

Does anyone know what happened to Alex? Even more, has anyone been in contact with him recently? What happened to Flaming Crab Games?

Jonathon Wilder wrote:
What is most frustrating, apart from no one getting any of what they pledged for, is that because he was on the 2nd test print, the material itself can fairly be considered complete. What he could have done is at least send everyone the pdf file... If nothing else. That, and the fact he just stopped talking to people. Where I have tried personally tried a number of different ways to contact him, as well try asking those who knew him.

I have zero information, but can guess at likely answers:

Nothing has happened to this Alex. He just lost interest. Or life got in the way. He's fine, except he will likely avoid the ttrpg industry for a while.

You should expect nothing. No follow-up, no reimbursement, nothing.

This is simply the nature of crowdfunding. In return for taking risks, many MANY more projects get off the ground.

Your only constructive course of action is to get back on the saddle again! Forget all about Flaming Crab Games, and back another project instead! :)

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