Vivified Labyrinth maps (high res)

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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Hello. Here's a map set of the labyrinth beneath the Arkona mansion. Theres a version of it for each of the 4 states its in. I didn't find a better way in roll20 of setting up the labyrinth than having it in for separate maps and moving between them as the PCs pull on the levers.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Extremely helpful! Many thanks for your hard work!

I used these on the weekend just to keep a reference for myself. Thanks very much for these. I just had to be careful on doors, I messed up twice once with the symbols and hitting the group before the door was open.

My method has always been to just hide and reveal the pathways that are available to the players in the moment with them keeping track of leaving which room brings you where that I tell them, and myself just keeping track of the rotational position in my head. My god this would have helped with my headaches if we weren't almost done with now session 4 of them being stuck in the labyrinth. Their main problem is that even after they learned you can always just keep pulling the lever to cycle through the 4 combinations of rooms, they still refuse to split up with one person pulling the lever to assist the other's exploration.

As agh I wish I saw this earlier. My players started the labyrinth last week on Roll20. What I’d did is take screenshots of the individual sections and then rotate the sections on top of the main map, then move the PCs accordingly when the lever is pulled. I ended up needing to turn off the “walls” for dynamic to make it work. I don’t think I’ll have time to prepare with these maps, but great job!

I could never get that to work, even with as best of cropping I could get, good luck.

It actually went pretty well. It’s funny, Sivit trapped them with her in a configuration with no way out. Got one round of attacks. And then the cleric banished her to hell.

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