The King of Tetherball

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello, all. I was hoping I could get one or two opinions on this Warpriest build I've been tinkering with. I've just begun playing in a game beginning at 16th level, with a single mythic rank. This will be the highest level character I've ever gotten to play, as well as the first mythic character, and so I set out to put together a Mythic Vital Strike build, for the novelty of it being useful. Along the way, however, I've stumbled into something of an interesting concept that works fairly well as a playable-from-level-one build, with no mythic requirements. The build requires you to be a Human with a deity that favors the whip, so Calistria is a good option. If your DM isn't fussy about which favored weapon you get, like mine, then I recommend Kurgess for flavor. Without further ado, here are the feats.

Human: Racial Heritage (Dwarf)
1st: Whip Mastery
Focus Weapon: Whip

We're a Warpriest with a 1d6 whip! Good for us. In our hands, it's a one handed weapon with 15 ft reach. We'll be wielding it in two hands, though.

3rd: Power Attack and Cleave

While wielding our whip in two hands doesn't give 1.5 times our Strength to damage, wielding it in two hands should still confer +3 per iteration of Power Attack.

5th: Goblin Cleaver

This is a fun feat that lets us use our Cleave attack on any creature that is a size smaller than us regardless of their position. Considering the reach of our whip, we should always have a target for our cleave attack. If you happen to be an evil Warpriest, you might consider throwing Mighty Cleaving on your whip to get a second cleave attack. If not, just wait until next level.

6th: Great Cleave and Orc Hewer

Now we can cleave as many targets as we want in our 15ft reach, so long as they're our size or smaller, or adjacent to someone who is. It's not exactly whirlwind attack, but it's pretty close.

7th: Equipment Trick (Rope)

We can use a length of rope as a whip, in addition to some other fun options. I like to imagine that the end of the rope is tied into a monkey's fist, which will function as our tetherball. If you have a good magic whip at this point, it'll probably be better to use that. If you don't, however, our ball makes a fine target for Sacred Weapon.

9th: Throw Anything and Shikigami Style

Our (now effectively large size) ball now does as much damage as a great sword. This probably means that you're using the ball over whatever magic weapon you had before. Throw Anything is really just there as a prerequisite, however it's worth noting that we can disregard how the whip is MEANT to be used, and just chuck it at a faraway enemy. I'm gonna say we can yank it back as a move action. A rope is just a really long weapon cord, right? If your DM doesn't buy that, maybe put "returning" on a pair of +1 Gloves of Improvised Might.

11th: Vital Strike

This isn't doing much for us right now. Although it bears mentioning that since our ball now does 2d8 (as much as a large bastard sword) we can chuck it at someone for 4d8+Str damage. That's not nothing.

12th: Improved Vital Strike and Weapon Trick: Two Handed

Our initial and secondary cleave attacks now do vital strike damage, meaning that everyone within 15 feet of us is taking 4d8+Str damage, so long as they're the same size as us or smaller, or standing next to someone who is. It's worth noting that if your DM is nuts and allows 3rd party material, then Vicious Cleave from Flaming Crab Games works better and comes online much earlier. That being the case, I would also recommend Vicious Opportunity, but remember that you will need Improved Whip Mastery to make it work.

13th: Shikigami Mimicry

Our ball has gained another effective size category, and now does 3d8+Str on a normal hit, 6d8+Str on cleave, and 9d8 on a vital strike. We can also take -2 to add an assortment of abilities to our weapon temporarily.

15th: Shikigami Manipulation and Devastating Strike

A big damage boost here. Our ball now does 6d6+Str normally, meaning 12d6+Str+6 on a cleave, or 18d6+Str+6 on a Vital strike. See if your DM will allow you to coat the business end of your rope with Sovereign Glue to make it into a +5 weapon. If not, maybe wrap the knot around a Stone of Good Luck.

17th: Greater Vital Strike

Our Cleave now does 18d6+Str+6, pushing us past the damage of an empowered Fireball. Our range is 5ft shorter, but we get to fire one off every turn, it's party friendly, and there's no reflex save for half.

18th: Strike Back and Giant Killer

Add another size category to the list of people we can cleave into if they're within 15 ft of us.

19th: Quicken Blessing

I really wish I could have slotted this in earlier, but I honestly don't know where I ought to have put it. Any thoughts are appreciated.

And that's more or less it. Mythic ranks change matters, naturally, as Mythic Cleave handily replaces the entire Goblin Hewer feat chain, and makes the effect more or less foolproof. Mythic Vital strike, meanwhile, adds a frankly unconscionable amount of damage, putting us well in range of one-shotting any monster you might care to name.

My Build:
Patches O'Houlihan
CG Human Warpriest (deity:Kurgess)

25 Point Buy

Str 16 (26) (+4 Level, +6 Item)
Dex 12 (18) (+6 Item)
Con 16 (24) (+2 Racial, +6 Item)
Int 12
Wis 14 (22) (+2 Racial, +6 Item)
Cha 7 (5) (-2 Racial)

Trait - Surprise Weapon
Trait - Fate's Favored

1st - Whip Mastery and Racial Heritage (dwarf)
Focus Weapon - Whip
3rd - Power Attack and Cleave
5th - Improved Whip Mastery
6th - Vital Strike and Vicious Cleave
7th - Great Cleave
9th - Vicious Opportunity and Equipment Trick (Rope)
11th - Improved Vital Strike
12th - Throw Anything and Shikigami Style
13th - Shikigami Mimicry
15th - Shikigami Manipulation and Devastating Strike

Mythic Path: Heirophant
Mythic Feat 1st - Vital Strike (Mythic)
Divine Surge - Inspired Spell
Path Ability - Extra Mythic Feat: Cleave (Mythic)

2.4K - Sovereign Glue
144K - Belt of Physical Perfection (+6)
36K - Headband of Inspired Wisdom (+6)
100K - Gloves of Improvised Might (+1)
Training: Greater Vital Strike (+1)
Training: Combat Reflexes (+1)
Training: Greater Weapon Focus: Whip
Returning (+1)
22.4K - Celestial Armor
9K - Cloak of Resistance (+3)
1,200 GP unspent

HP 199
AC 10 (base)+6 (chainmail)+3 (enhancement)+4 (Dexterity)= 23
Initiative +4
Skills 4/lvl

  • Fort - 20
  • Ref - 12
  • Will - 19

Patches attacks at +29 (25 on power attack) for 24d6+456 (+744 on power attack) then proceeds to make identical attacks on all targets within 15 feet. He threatens out to 10 feet during others' turns, and may make 5 opportunity attacks at equal damage. He has 14 uses of Fervor per day, and may enhance his weapons with brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, shock, anarchic, vicious, ghost touch and holy. His blessings are Good and Travel.

This is my first posted build (actually, my first post), so I hope I have formatted it clearly. I'll be adding links to the feats within the text later on. I can't wait to hear feedback, and look forward to being part of the community here.

UncleExpendable wrote:
We're a Warpriest with a whip! ... We'll be wielding it in two hands, though.

I walked away right here, but I lingered at the door because you kept talking, and your sweet words wooed me back in.

This reminds me of Thunderball from Marvel Comics.

Andostre wrote:
UncleExpendable wrote:
We're a Warpriest with a whip! ... We'll be wielding it in two hands, though.

I walked away right here, but I lingered at the door because you kept talking, and your sweet words wooed me back in.

This reminds me of Thunderball from Marvel Comics.

High praise indeed! Thanks much!

Also, I don't seem to be able to edit this post anymore, and may have accidentally recommended it for addition to FAQ. Hmm.

UncleExpendable wrote:

Hello, all. I was hoping I could get one or two opinions on this Warpriest build I've been tinkering with. I've just begun playing in a game beginning at 16th level, with a single mythic rank. This will be the highest level character I've ever gotten to play, as well as the first mythic character, and so I set out to put together a Mythic Vital Strike build, for the novelty of it being useful. Along the way, however, I've stumbled into something of an interesting concept that works fairly well as a playable-from-level-one build, with no mythic requirements. The build requires you to be a Human with a deity that favors the whip, so Calistria is a good option. If your DM isn't fussy about which favored weapon you get, like mine, then I recommend Kurgess for flavor. Without further ado, here are the feats.

Human: Racial Heritage (Dwarf)
1st: Whip Mastery
Focus Weapon: Whip

There's a problem with your build, which is most significant if you're looking for good functionality from Level 1.

The Whip Mastery feat requires a Base Attack Bonus of +2. Your Warpriest won't qualify for it until 3rd level.

FamiliarMask wrote:

There's a problem with your build, which is most significant if you're looking for good functionality from Level 1.

The Whip Mastery feat requires a Base Attack Bonus of +2. Your Warpriest won't qualify for it until 3rd level.

Ah... the Warpriest only counts their level as their BAB for bonus feats. That's a real problem. I suppose we're taking Power Attack at level 1, and moving Whip Mastery to level 3. This will also mean we're taking Strike Back at level 17, and Improved Vital strike at level 18 with Giant Killer. That doesn't kill us in the crib, I suppose. Still, we're more dangerous with a plain old great sword until level 3. I guess there's no shame in that. Thanks for your keen eye!

Really wish I could edit that post... Oh well.

How does shikigami style stack with sacred weapon?

Well, near as I can tell, sacred weapon replaces the base damage of the weapon, and Shikigami Style adds an effective size increase like the Impact enchantment. This seems like it'd stack up fine, but I've been wrong before. Anyone know more?

UncleExpendable wrote:
Well, near as I can tell, sacred weapon replaces the base damage of the weapon, and Shikigami Style adds an effective size increase like the Impact enchantment. This seems like it'd stack up fine, but I've been wrong before. Anyone know more?

Quixote and I have been arguing about Warpriests for a long time, but we don't argue about this. Shikigami increases the base Damage of the weapon, and then Sacred Weapon Replaces it.

I guess you can argue that since it's a Feat, you can choose which base damage you are applying it to, but I don't see any RAW that supports that argument. We can look again. You should vet every build with your GM regardless.

The Impact Enchantment definitely wouldn't work. Generally when it comes to Sacred Weapon Damage, Size increased to the Warpriests themselves stack with SWD, Size increases to the weapon itself don't.

Well shoot. I guess this puts the final nail in the coffin for our poor tetherball champ. Good night, sweet prince.

Back to the drawing board, I suppose.

UncleExpendable wrote:

Well shoot. I guess this puts the final nail in the coffin for our poor tetherball champ. Good night, sweet prince.

Back to the drawing board, I suppose.

It's still a Tripping and Disarming weapon with a very long Reach. Fighters and Arsenal Chaplins apply +1 Attack and Damage every few levels, like 4 or so. And Size Increases to the Warpriest still help such as Enlarge Person or Righteous Might.

I'll take another run at it tonight and then post again, I think. Maybe the two of you could have another look then? I'd really appreciate it.

UncleExpendable wrote:
I'll take another run at it tonight and then post again, I think. Maybe the two of you could have another look then? I'd really appreciate it.

Whips require a lot of Feats to become full realized, and so does Tripping. I think you'd be better off sticking with Fighter. Basic Fighter Class Abilities allow you to boost your Will and Reflex saves, use Teamwork Feats as if your allies had them, too, and even gain Sacred Weapon Damage.

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