Roll20 VTT

General Discussion

Starfinder Superscriber

Anyone else using Roll20 for your Starfinder games? Is anyone else kind of sad that there aren't more Paizo resources for it? We only have the core book and Alien Archive 1. Are there plans to put more up there?

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Anyone else using Roll20 for your Starfinder games? Is anyone else kind of sad that there aren't more Paizo resources for it? We only have the core book and Alien Archive 1. Are there plans to put more up there?

On the online discords its the defacto virtual tabletop. If there's a game there, the default is its on roll 20. If you're looking for a game you can wander into a roll20 game on accident.

Roll20s advantage for players: low set up and easy to grab and go, means that it's easy for players to set up the adventures, bur harder to monetize. Unless roll20 is going to produce a scenario cheap and the week the scenario comes out it's an easy hour or 2 to set up.

Starfinder Superscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:

On the online discords its the defacto virtual tabletop. If there's a game there, the default is its on roll 20. If you're looking for a game you can wander into a roll20 game on accident.

Roll20s advantage for players: low set up and easy to grab and go, means that it's easy for players to set up the adventures, bur harder to monetize. Unless roll20 is going to produce a scenario cheap and the week the scenario comes out it's an easy hour or 2 to set up.

I moved my group to roll20 so I am deep in the DM side on this. :)

I am really hoping that Paizo makes a few more of the books VTT-able (is that a word? It is now) as I could really use the COM, Equipment, and AA books. But I will keep hoping.

DJEternalDarkness wrote:

I am really hoping that Paizo makes a few more of the books VTT-able (is that a word? It is now) as I could really use the COM, Equipment, and AA books. But I will keep hoping.

Having heard a little bit about fantasy grounds in the last few days, I THINK the sort of thing you're talking about isn't a thing on roll 20. The equipment or effect is done by the character sheet, or the player. If Equipment book II the shoppening has a new gun someones character buys it, the player just changes their attack macro from

Iguana shoots their hunting rifle Hitting
KAC [[1d20+8]] for
[[1d8+3]] Piercing damage


Iguana shoots their Malarkian Firesphere hitting
EAC [[1d20+8]] for
[[1d12+3]] Fire damage

Starfinder Superscriber

Yeah that's what I've been doing, manually setting up the equipment and such. Thanks Mr. Wolf!

If you're deep on the DM side of roll 20

Roll 20 intro

How to make a roll 20 table

Now this bit is new

BNWs Character bar

There's a character there called PCWoof. He's a blank character sheet.

Import a copy to your table. Duplicate him some

Go to PCWoofs attributes and abilities tab on the left you'll see an NPC layout , on the right are a bunch of macros.

Fill out the left, leave the right alone.

Drag the token onto the map.

Click the monster. Click what you want them to do. they do it.

Its experimental, but if i have 2 screens I can fill out the character sheet in 2 minutes flat.

edit: or just shoot me alink to your table i'll boop a coppy over there

PC Woof quickie sheet uses attributes and abilities with tokens for FAST character/monster set up. (both fast and cheap. You know how that saying goes...)


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i'm sorry if this is the wrong place...

i would like to start running SFS scenario games on roll20. I have played in quite a few, and run a Roll20 AP currently.

I've been on a few tables where GMs had the default PCs available for players, all nice and pretty, with official looking token sets for PCs and starships... where can I get my hands on those?

Pithicasa resources table probably has most of them.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Pithicasa resources table probably has most of them.

thanks for the link, but i get a big ole 'NOT AUTHORIZED'

Yakman wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Pithicasa resources table probably has most of them.
thanks for the link, but i get a big ole 'NOT AUTHORIZED'

Headscratch.. attempt 2 try This one

Out of curiosity, why that template rather than the Starfinder by Roll20 one?

Zilvar2k11 wrote:
Out of curiosity, why that template rather than the Starfinder by Roll20 one?

It's for society and most society games use the simple sheet.

The simple sheet came out first, so most people started using that one and stuck with it. It also has the benefit of being.. well as the name implies less complicated. I've heard the official sheet does higher level characters better, but for getting random people into a game quicker the simple sheet works better.

For myself, I hate character sheets and just make macros to roll for me.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Yakman wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Pithicasa resources table probably has most of them.
thanks for the link, but i get a big ole 'NOT AUTHORIZED'
Headscratch.. attempt 2 try This one

oh my

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