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Hey folks!
Does the Fiendflesh Shifter's gore attack, granted by Fiendish Aspect, receive the bonus half level to damage from the Shifter's Edge feat, when using dexterity to attack and strength to damage?
Why or why not?
My forum search here said that Fiendflesh hasn't even been written in this forum yet, which is unlikely, so I'm sorry if this question has been asked already.
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/shifter/archetypes/fiendflesh -shifter-shifter-archetype/
I am hoping the answer is yes, assuming that the gore attack is "a natural attack augmented by your claws," but I don't know for sure and won't pretend to. I'm playing a tiefling Fiendflesh Shifter in Hell's Vengeance, and I'd really like to know.

Wonderstell |

Does the Fiendflesh Shifter's gore attack, granted by Fiendish Aspect, receive the bonus half level to damage from the Shifter's Edge feat, when using dexterity to attack and strength to damage?
Normally, a shifter uses Wild Shape to transform into their major forms, and those attacks are affected by the Shifter claws ability.While a shifter uses wild shape to assume her aspect’s major form, her natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by her shifter claws ability.
Fiendish Aspect replaces your Wild Shape instead of simply altering it, so your Shifter Claws no longer provides this benefit per RAW. Technically you wouldn't even be able to use your Shifter Claws while using Fiendish Aspect, since it isn't your natural form.
At 1st level, a fiendflesh shifter can temporarily transform her body into an amalgam of otherworldly evil creatures as a swift action. While in this form,
At will, a shifter in her natural form can extend her claws as a swift action to use as a weapon.
My forum search here said that Fiendflesh hasn't even been written in this forum yet, which is unlikely, so I'm sorry if this question has been asked already.
There seems to be a handful of posts mentioning it in passing, but none in the rules forum. The Shifter was generally seen as a letdown so there's very little discussion about their more obscure archetypes.
Unless you're strictly bound by RAW I'd just ask your GM to make an exception. The Fiendflesh shifter needs all the help it can get, and letting one additional attack benefit from the most basic feat of the class won't change the power scaling much.
Next time you want to play a demonic shifter, four levels of Weretouched Shifter with the Planar Wild shape feat (followed by another class) would probably be more fun to play. Could be an idea to change into it if you haven't played for long.