Trail of the Hunted 2e Conversion

Ironfang Invasion

With the release of the gamemastery guide, I've been working on finishing the conversion of Ironfang Invasion and the NPCs. I haven't gotten to militia mechanics but I don't believe those to have much importance till the middle of book one and don't require as many modifications. If you have suggestions for militia rules changes please let me know and I'll add them in! Here is all treasure, Encounter Difficulty, and XP Rewards for Book one. I have also modified the travel and survival rules to better suit the new system i hope.

Also I dont know how to make the link clickable, so for now copy and paste will work. sharing

Please comment all constructive criticism or anything I missed as I would like to have a balanced and fun time running this AP.

Oh and if you have already run or played through once, I'd love to know anything that would be good to add!

Oh great! This is just what I was looking for. I'll look it over and see if I see any issues but looks great so far!

The Painted Oryx wrote:
Oh great! This is just what I was looking for. I'll look it over and see if I see any issues but looks great so far!

I got the NPCs done and monsters im using the PF2e Monster Tool. Lots of monsters to convert! sharing

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Our poster Mathmuse is running a converted Ironfang Invasion and I'm sure would be happy to talk to you. I did book 3 by playtest rules and book 4 on are 2e, so I can help with the later stuff.

Captain Morgan wrote:
Our poster Mathmuse is running a converted Ironfang Invasion and I'm sure would be happy to talk to you. I did book 3 by playtest rules and book 4 on are 2e, so I can help with the later stuff.

That would be awesome to have some collaboration! I think my first question or concern is the wealth by level if I give all enemies their converted treasures. So a +1 armor and +1 cloak of resistance being combined for wealth and the new 2e item being a single +1 armor? Is that a good way to rework?

Also for the higher level parts, what would be a good way to work the campaign to level 20 rather than 17?

Captain Morgan wrote:
Our poster Mathmuse is running a converted Ironfang Invasion and I'm sure would be happy to talk to you. I did book 3 by playtest rules and book 4 on are 2e, so I can help with the later stuff.

I had been writing a response about adapting Trail of the Hunted to Pathfinder 2nd Edition. However, I was a little sloppy on some of my conversions, so I was trying to polish them up first. Besides, I am busy converting the Crysmal on page 47 (PF1 Bestiary 2, page 61) to PF2.

One reason for my sloppiness was that I rewrote parts for the story for my players. For example, one player choosing to play a goblin alchemist. I could not justify a goblin living in or visiting Phaendar without an extreme reason. Therefore, I started the campagin one week before the invasion as 10 goblin refugees, including the PC Tak, entered Phaendar telling of a hobgoblin invasion of Ecru. This put the villagers on alert, so the attack on the village went differently. As another example, the ranger PC was being directly trained by Aubrin the Green and the rogue PC had a job with Kining Blondebeard, so Aubrin and Kining became more central to the story. The adaptions to the players changed some of ways I converted Trail of the Hunted to PF2. I will point out when and why I handled those differently.

For Part I, Night of Iron Fangs, I used the Hobgoblin Soldier, Creature 1, PF2 Bestiary page 206, in place of the hobgoblin recruits and hobgoblin scouts. Having playable foes was more important to me than matching the exact challenge rating in the module. The bestiary did not have an equivalent of a Hobgoblin Heavy Trooper, so I upgraded the Hobgoblin Soldier by a level, gave it heavy armor, and gave it the Aggressive Block fighter feat and the Hefty Hauler skill feat. Aggressive Block was a poor choice, since in practice the hobgobins preferred their Formation ability to raising a Shield. I changed it to Lunge in the stat block below.

Hobgoblin Heavy Trooper:
LE, Medium, Goblin, Humanoid
Perception +8; darkvision
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +7
Str +3, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha –1
Items half plate armor, longsword, shortbow (10 arrows), steel shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)
AC 20 (22 with shield raised); Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6
HP 31
Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Shield Block [reaction]
Lunge [Action] (Strike with 10 foot reach)
Formation When it’s adjacent to at least two other allies, the hobgoblin soldier gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 to Reflex saves against area effects.
Speed 25 feet, Hefty Hauler
Melee [one-action] longsword +9 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+3 slashing
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +9 (deadly 1d10, range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 piercing
Other Gear 2 minor elixir of life, 2 alchemist's fire, 1 lesser antidote, 1 lesser antiplague, backpack containing 1 ration, bedroll, pup tent, compass, rope (50 ft), manacles, signal whistle, 16 sp

Kergri is the same as Hobgoblin Heavy Trooper, except Int +1, trained in Nature (+6), and has Train Animal instead of Hefty Hauler. She needs to command her wolf Kur for it to attack. I did not advance Kur beyond ordinary wolf, PF2 Bestiary page 334.

The halfling animal-whisperer rogue Sam with scoundrel racket had been working for Kining Blondebeard as a goat herder and stable boy for a year, so I statted out Kining. I had only the Core Rulebook at the time, not the Gamemastery Guide, so she ended up as a fighter 2 trying to work as a smith. Her slow work on repairing the bridge suggested that she was mediocre at crafting outside her blacksmithing specialty.

The party interacted with her socially before the invasion, and her obvious greed earned her the Charisma 8.

Tonaxian's version of Kining is a better blacksmith, mine is a better fighter. But she was not good enough at fighting. Due to unfortunate die rolls, Kining died quickly when facing 4 hobgoblin soldiers while the PCs attacked from range.

Kining Blondebeard:

Kining Blondebeard
Fighter 2
N, Medium, Dwarf, Humanoid
Perception +7, low-light vision, darkvision
Languages Common, Dwarven
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Crafting +6, Diplomacy +3, Guild Lore +6, Intimidation +3

Str 16, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
sheathed: Warhammer (1 bulk)
bandolier: 4 light hammers (4L)
worn: Half plate (level 1) 18 gp +5 +1 –3 –10 ft. 16 3 Plate
full waterskin (1 bulk)

AC 19; Fort +7, Reflex +6, Will +5
HP 30
Speed 20
Melee [one-action] Warhammer +9 (1d8 bludgeoning, Shove)
Ranged [one-action] Light hammer +6 (1d6 bludgeoning, Agile, thrown 20 ft.)

Fighter features: Attack of Opportunity [reaction], Shield Block
Fighter feats: Snagging Strike, Dueling Parry
Skill feats: Bargain Hunter, Specialty Crafting (Blacksmithing)

Rhyna in the module is described merely as, "Noelan’s assistant Rhyna (N female human adept 2) prepares to lead two brave townsfolk into battle against the hobgoblin ranger. ... Rhyna is an irritatingly optimistic Chelish woman with bronze skin, wavy blond hair, and pale green eyes." I built her as a fire oracle 1 during the Advanced Player's Guide playtest to test the oracle class. It led to an interesting backstory about being a showpiece for a temple of Asmodeus back in Cheliax before her parents sent her to live with her grandmother Esther in Phaendar, and she became a good friend of PC Sam. Neverthess, oracle should wait until the Advanced Player's Guide is published, so we ought to stick with Tonaxian's cleric 1 of Desna version.

That is a lot of modifying to fit the characters but sounds amazing! I was tempted to just use the Hobgoblins given in the Bestiary but I loved the diversity and the use of personality in all the different Hobgoblins so I've recreated them all with the idea that CR 1/2 was now CR 0.

I just got to making the Crysmal. Its really interesting having all the innate spells. Heres what i have for it.


Perception +12; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +9, Stealth +10 (+2 in rocky areas)

Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int -3, Wis +2, Cha +3
Crystal Sense Crysmals can sense the presence of any crystals or gems within 30 feet as if using the scent ability.

AC 19; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
HP 48; Immunities bleed, cold, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances Electricity 6; Weaknesses Bludgeoning 3
Speed 30 feet, burrow 20 feet; earth glide
Melee sting +11, Damage 1d10+6 piercing
Ranged shard spike +11 (range 60 feet), Damage 3d6+8 piercing
Arcane Spells DC 17, attack +9; 2nd Touch of Idiocy, Mirror Image, Glitterdust; 1st Illusory Object (At Will); Cantrips (2nd) Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand,

Shard Spike Once per day, a crysmal can launch its tail spike as a ranged attack that shatters when it hits, dealing 3d6 points of piercing damage to the target and 1d4 points of piercing damage to all creatures in adjacent squares. The spike regrows in 24 hours, but until it does, its impaired sting does only 1d6+3 damage.

Earth Glide The Crysmal can Burrow through any earthen matter, including rock. When it does so, the Crysmal moves at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Also for Ryhna, I just really wasn't sure how i wanted to design her but I went with the concept that she wasnt a fully fledged cleric, or maybe just becoming one. How the Acolyte was described in the GMG just felt most appropriate.

As for developing her character more, the oracle would be a great class! Or even just divine sorcerer.

Tonaxian wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
Our poster Mathmuse is running a converted Ironfang Invasion and I'm sure would be happy to talk to you. I did book 3 by playtest rules and book 4 on are 2e, so I can help with the later stuff.

That would be awesome to have some collaboration! I think my first question or concern is the wealth by level if I give all enemies their converted treasures. So a +1 armor and +1 cloak of resistance being combined for wealth and the new 2e item being a single +1 armor? Is that a good way to rework?

Also for the higher level parts, what would be a good way to work the campaign to level 20 rather than 17?

Well... It depends. Ironfang Invasion didn't follow the standard WBL tables in PF1 because you have so little shop access for most of the game. PF2 uses extremely different WBL assumptions, so you need to decide if you want to try and mirror the atypical AP loot or just make your own loot assignment via the CRB tables. PF2 is a lot more viable for found loot only because you can swap runes, need less big 6 math boosters, crafting magic items is easier for non-wizards, and Treat Wounds offsets The need for Cure Wands.

Personally, I liked how generous the AP is for magic items, and I opted to try and mirror it as close as I could. There are specific items I didn't bother with, like belts of giant strength and such. But you can usually find an item pretty close that is an appropriate level for your party. I used a formula supplied by the forums for cash rewards, multiplying PF1 gold amounts by different fractions based on the party level to get PF2 gold amounts.

Captain Morgan wrote:

Well... It depends. Ironfang Invasion didn't follow the standard WBL tables in PF1 because you have so little shop access for most of the game. PF2 uses extremely different WBL assumptions, so you need to decide if you want to try and mirror the atypical AP loot or just make your own loot assignment via the CRB tables. PF2 is a lot more viable for found loot only because you can swap runes, need less big 6 math boosters, crafting magic items is easier for non-wizards, and Treat Wounds offsets The need for Cure Wands.

Personally, I liked how generous the AP is for magic items, and I opted to try and mirror it as close as I could. There are specific items I didn't bother with, like belts of giant strength and such. But you can usually find an item pretty close that is an appropriate level for your party. I used a formula supplied by the forums for cash rewards, multiplying PF1 gold amounts by different fractions based on the party level to get PF2 gold amounts.

Ok then for the majority of encounters im matching loot values transfered using the conversion table but I am modifying the loot to match the themes of what the enemy has or could use. I do really like the removal of the big six since there is so much more variance in loot!

That is the conversion formula I'm using.

Captain Morgan wrote:

That is the conversion formula I'm using.

So I used this formula to cross reference what i'd already gotten two and using the value chart on the short conversion document paizo posted, i found i kept pretty close to value. I have now finished all monsters, or believe to be all monsters including most random encounters form the book.

I will try posting the link tonight or tomorrow.

My biggest notes and areas for criticism id want are, for Fey like the Pooka. I tried my best to match the original theme and innate spells but using the new monster formula and loosely basing on what the Faerie Dragon has, I made my best approximation.

Well, it might help to remember that not every random encounter out of that table in the back has to be a fight. At my table the Pooka was messing with the fighter for a while before eventually revealing herself and asking for help killing a Rat King. (Her personality was based off the Amalee MBMBAM bit.) She's gone on to become a fan favorite NPC and militia member.

In other words, don't bother converting full combat stats for things the party won't fight.

Captain Morgan wrote:
In other words, don't bother converting full combat stats for things the party won't fight.

Well I have already completed even those stat blocks since I wanted to try to get as diverse a handle on then new rules as possible, plus they are already now converted. I've just been spending hours on formatting but here is a half-completed II Part 1 Bestiary. All Stats are there, just formatting isnt complete halfway through. sharing

Ill post the completed later this week, even in lockdown I still have Courses and Studying.

There's some really good statblock formatters actually. I use this one if I'm making something elaborate from scratch. Also, I respect getting the practice in.

I actually have been using them to generate the statblocks but I seem incapable of then taking a clean image of the statblock in the right dimensions to either make new monster cards like the ones released or even embedding them in m document nicely.

Any advice for the above struggles would be great because i currently have all the monsters converted and saved in

Example of Scarvinious that I have saved:

I have completed the Monster conversions and the General book 1 Conversion as well as the exploration and downtime rules. Also, I am including the Player's guide background conversions.

General Conversion: sharing

Monster Conversions: sharing

Players Guide Conversion: sharing

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for sharing your work, much appreciated! (And same to Mathmuse for his revisited Crafting rules).

Just a suggestion: Ediwir set up a Discord server for the conversion of the 1st edition adventure paths to 2nd edition (the Discord server is called "A Series of Dice-Based Events") ; maybe you could share your conversion files over there, in the channel dedicated to Ironfang Invasion?

Tonaxian wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
In other words, don't bother converting full combat stats for things the party won't fight.

Well I have already completed even those stat blocks since I wanted to try to get as diverse a handle on then new rules as possible, plus they are already now converted. I've just been spending hours on formatting but here is a half-completed II Part 1 Bestiary. All Stats are there, just formatting isnt complete halfway through. sharing

Ill post the completed later this week, even in lockdown I still have Courses and Studying.

Tonaxian told me of this document in private message. Alas, due to my chronic illnesses acting up the last week, I lacked the energy to review the character stats. Except that I borrowed the Stone-Blooded Acolyte for my game Friday. I thank Tonaxian for the aid.

Ordinarily I substitute other creatures from the PF2 Bestiary rather than converting. For example, rather than converting the Cave Fishers in K6, The Fishers’ Garden, I substituted Slurks from the PF2 Bestiary. However, the Stone-Blooded Acolyte in K3, Shrine of Stone, is a religious figure, so substituting a Xulgath Skulker, the only 2nd-level xulgath in the Bestiary, would give the wrong impresssion.

Tonaxian's conversion of the Stone-Blooded Acolyte appears to be an excellent conversion of a character designed with mixed goals. Why does a xulgath sorcerer with elemental ray (1d6+1 acid) 5 times per day and Ray of Frost cantrip carry a heavy crossbow (1d10, 19-20/x2, full action reload), +1 spear, and two oils of magic weapon? The acolyte design seems a holdover from Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 character design when a sorcerer lacked effective cantrips and needed a backup crossbow.

In my game, combat in the Shrine of Stone lasted three rounds and began in the Guardpost room. The Stone-Blooded Acolyte's combat tactics block says that she casts Cause Fear on whoever seems to be the leader. My party had retriggered the shrieker mushrooms; thus, they could not hear each other in the Guardpost and no-one was giving orders. Besides, I just asked my wife and housemates and they agree the party has no leader.

Instead, I figured that 2d10 damage would provide the fear the acolyte wanted. She spent one turn applying Oil of Potency on her loaded heavy crossbow, and two turns shooting and reloading the crossbow. That shooting was faster than PF1 allowed. She missed both times, but she seemed sufficiently scary that the party druid decided to cast a 2nd-level Burning Hands on her and the remaining Xulgath Warrior. The acolyte critically failed her Reflex save and the ranger's arrow finished her off. The dice betrayed her.

It is interesting to compare the crossbow effectiveness between PF1 and PF2. The PF1 Stone-Blooded Acolyte had Ranged heavy crossbow +2 (1d10/19–20). It can shoot only once every two turns due to the full-action reload. Oil of magic weapon takes a standard action to apply and gives the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. Tonaxian's PF2 Stone-Blooded Acolyte had Ranged heavy crossbow +6 (Range 120 ft., Reload 2), Damage 1d10 piercing, but the +6 is more like a PF1 +4 due to the higher ACs of PF2. Oil of Potency takes one action to apply and gives the weapon +1 to attack rolls and striking (twice as many damage dice). Without the Oil of Potency, the PF2 crossbow deals the same damage twice as often as the PF1 crossbow, but PF2 characters have around twice the hit points as PF1, so they are equivalent. However, PF2 Oil of Potency is better than PF1 Oil of Magic Weapon.

Meanwhile, PF1 Ray of Frost deals 1d3 cold damage at close (30 foot) range. PF2 unheightened Ray of Frost deals 1d4 + spellcasting ability modifier at 120 feet, and the acolyte's spellcasting ability modifier was +3. That is 2.75 times better against twice the hit points.

Tonaxian switched the sorcerer acolyte from Elemenal (Earth) bloodline to Draconic (Black) bloodline. The acid damage from black dragons matches the acid damage from elemental earth. The main difference is the Stone-Blooded Acolyte gains a useful Dragon Claw melee attack rather than a redundant Elemental Toss ranged spell. Though the acolyte worships a stone god, the bloodline came before the worshipping and does not have to be directly related. And dragons fit the reptilian xulgath.

Dalvyn wrote:
Thanks for sharing your work, much appreciated! (And same to Mathmuse for his revisited Crafting rules).

Last week I had an in-game test of my Crafting houserule that untriggered snares can be packed up and re-used elsewhere.

Deceased trapped Gilida Dravonich (H1. Mutilated Body) had a bear trap, a climber’s kit, 4 days’ worth of rations, two waterskins, and animal skins worth 150 gp in her handy haversack. I changed that to two fox traps (Biting Snares that deal only 2d6 piercing damage with a DC 17 Reflex save), one Caltrops Snare, one snare kit, one climber's kit, 4 days’ worth of rations, two waterskins, one pound of salt worth 1sp, and animal skins worth 150 sp in a type I bag of holding. I added more snares to let the ranger test out snares before she invests in the skills and feats at 4th level.

The ranger set up the three snares at the mouth of the cave before the rogue lured the first xulgath guard out. The guard stopped and died to ranged attacks one square short of a fox trap. The caltrop trap was encountered by the second guard but he made the DC 14 Acrobatics check against caltrop damage (PF2 Core Rulebook page 287). Afterwards, the ranger disarmed both traps. He and the rogue each spent a minute folding up the fox-trap snares for re-use and put them back in the bag of holding. That was much more satisfying than wasting the traps because they could not be moved.

Mathmuse wrote:
Tonaxian wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
In other words, don't bother converting full combat stats for things the party won't fight.

Well I have already completed even those stat blocks since I wanted to try to get as diverse a handle on then new rules as possible, plus they are already now converted. I've just been spending hours on formatting but here is a half-completed II Part 1 Bestiary. All Stats are there, just formatting isnt complete halfway through. sharing

Ill post the completed later this week, even in lockdown I still have Courses and Studying.

Tonaxian told me of this document in private message. Alas, due to my chronic illnesses acting up the last week, I lacked the energy to review the character stats. Except that I borrowed the Stone-Blooded Acolyte for my game Friday. I thank Tonaxian for the aid.

Ordinarily I substitute other creatures from the PF2 Bestiary rather than converting. For example, rather than converting the Cave Fishers in K6, The Fishers’ Garden, I substituted Slurks from the PF2 Bestiary. However, the Stone-Blooded Acolyte in K3, Shrine of Stone, is a religious figure, so substituting a Xulgath Skulker, the only 2nd-level xulgath in the Bestiary, would give the wrong impresssion.

Tonaxian's conversion of the Stone-Blooded Acolyte appears to be an excellent conversion of a character designed with mixed goals. Why does a xulgath sorcerer with elemental ray (1d6+1 acid) 5 times per day and Ray of Frost cantrip carry a heavy crossbow (1d10, 19-20/x2, full action reload), +1 spear, and two oils of magic weapon? The acolyte design seems a holdover from Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 character design when a sorcerer lacked effective cantrips and needed a backup crossbow.

After reading this, I am happy to hear my conversion was useful and done well. I was admittedly hesitant on how much equipment to give all combat NPCs because PF2 has a different approach but I also wanted to keep the same loot drops that was originally written. With the new Downtime Crafting rules or your modified rules, it still requires more than normal amount of lootables. Especially if the NPCs can get away with using one potion or oil during combat. The versatility granted by the equipment is something new.

For the Cave Fishers, I originally wrote the encounter as being Slurks instead as well! They are a good replacement, but I was testing out how to make my own monsters based on what have already been made. I also like the idea of moving the players against their will due to my current groups methods in Age of Ashes.

Oh, as a not for the Stone-Blooded Acolyte, I changed the bloodline since the new Earth Elemental Bloodline just didnt add the same actions and even relevance for the creatures of the forest. With the Characters going to fight two black dragons through the campaign i figured why not add more black dragon flavor earlier. Also a bonus to AC just for casting a spell is a nice free buff!

I'm gonna probably run this for another group, and in contemplating using a simplified version of the survival system. Probably using ration points and then a set of morale points. Haven't really figured out specifics though.

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