Considering creating a PF2e actual play podcast. Some questions. ?

Pathfinder General Discussion

I have been working on this idea for year a year and a half, but have recently come into a number of high quality mics, sound equipment, and professional audio editing software. I have a list of interested actors and a strong concept. I won't go into the specifics here, but it's very important to me not to reinvent the wheel.

What I can't seem to find is whether I need to do anything in particular to use Paizo products in my podcast. I'm not a publisher, and there's no profit involved. Part of the reason I picked PF2e is to support Paizo.

Additionally, I can't find any PF2e actual play podcasts despite some serious looking. I know the GCP has dabbled and their Emerald Spire game will be 2e, but it's locked behind a Patreon pay wall. There's a glut of 5e podcasts and no shortage of PF1e actual plays.

Does anyone have experience in either area?

GCP might be PF1, but I'm pretty sure nothing legally changed between editions to alter what you can or can't use. So if they can do it, you probably can too?

Liberty's Edge

1) the best guy you can talk to about this is Vic Wertz, who is Paizo's Supreme Head of All Things Licensed. (That's his official title, I'm sure of it.) He has an email around here somewhere, and maybe a DM box as well. I'd start there for your questions.

2) In general, and with the caveat that I am not a lawyer and don't you dare quote me on this, the Community Use guidelines should have you covered.

3) Dice Don't Die, 2 Perception, and Dice Will Roll all have 2E actual play podcasts that I am aware of, and I believe Dragons and Things will be rolling out a podcast version of their new season shortly.

roll for combat is doing PF2. They are paizo partner too.

Captain Morgan wrote:
GCP might be PF1, but I'm pretty sure nothing legally changed between editions to alter what you can or can't use. So if they can do it, you probably can too?

The answer to the bolded question is no, because the GCP are licensed and therefore can use a whole bunch of Paizo IP in ways that the rest of us can’t. (Nobody’s ever said it, but I’m pretty sure they were on shaky ground when they first started their Patreon and weren’t yet licensed).

The OP should look at Paizo’s community use policy.

Note that it is only relevant if the content is free (so no Patreon or so forth). It also,doesn’t include the paizo Adventure Paths. If you want to run an AP as a freely available, actual play podcast I think there’s no license that covers that. You’d have to operate under the various laws for trademarks and copyrights and rely on the various exemptions/options there.

The community use policy is based around you not being a publisher, and Paizo decides that, not you. So in short, ask Paizo. :-)

Within the US, I'm unsure if donations count for determining if a service is free, or how Paizo treats that. I can tell you how it works for other people but that's not going to be relevant.

Basically just ask Paizo.

krobrina wrote:

The community use policy is based around you not being a publisher, and Paizo decides that, not you. So in short, ask Paizo. :-)

Within the US, I'm unsure if donations count for determining if a service is free, or how Paizo treats that. I can tell you how it works for other people but that's not going to be relevant.

Basically just ask Paizo.

You’re allowed to accept donations to cover costs, as long as the material is all freely available.

Paizo are pretty commonsensible - you don’t really need to ask them if they consider you to be in the publishing business unless there’s some reason to think you might be.

They won’t just willy nilly declare you a publisher to stop you using the freely available license they didn’t have to offer in the first place.

Sovereign Court

Paizo staff have moved related posts to the gamer life actual play podcast thread, so I think, and I believe have commented on blogs about sharing your home podcasts, so I believe they're okay with it.

I have been working on this idea for year a year and a half, but have recently come into a number of high quality mics, sound equipment, and professional audio editing software. I have a list of interested actors and a strong concept. I won't go into the specifics here, but it's very important to me not to reinvent the wheel.

What I't seem to find is whether I need to do anything in particular to use Paizo products in my podcast. I'm not a publisher, and there's no profit involved. Part of the reason I picked PF2e is to support Paizo.

Additionally, I can't find any PF2e actual play podcasts despite some serious looking. I know the GCP has dabbled and their Emerald Spire game will be 2e, but it's locked behind a Patreon pay wall. There's a glut of 5e podcasts and no shortage of PF1e actual plays.

Does anyone have experience in either area?

Grand Lodge

I’m enjoying MNmaxed, that’s an actual play podcast and they’re currently running through Extinction Curse. They’re fun. Though they’re NSFW. But their characters are interesting and I enjoy the podcast a lot!

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