What Weird Creatures Can I turn into Dreamcatcher Parts?


I'm workshopping a campaign idea that the party has to make a dreamcatcher made of weird occult parts to stop some night hags (maybe to go fight them in the dream world or trap them there or prevent them from messing with dreams of someone important. It's still loose). I want to use some unusual creatures as things they have to kill to make this weird horrible dreamcatcher, things that they might not know about and would have to some investigating.

I've got a few ideas, but I could be persuaded to do something else. So far I'm thinking of:

1. Ether Spider silk (Bestiary 155)
2. Holy water blessed by a priest of Desna
3. Wood from a Gulthias Tree (maybe use corrupted Dryads, Nymphs, or Druids as the enemies)
4. Claws of a Nilith (Bestiary 245)
5. Night Mare leather (it seems a little too on the nose)

Any suggestions for other creatures?

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Changeling teeth or eyes? (Bestiary 62)

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Perhaps a bit of yeti fur? They have an ability that protects them from dream-affecting abilities.

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I feel like it should have feathers of some sort. Maybe from a Harpy or a fallen Angel.

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Mukradi Antennae
Psychic essence of Kunkarna the Dream Warrior (They can take a Rakshasa Immortal, right?)
Wendigo antlers
Gug teeth
Treerazer scales

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