POISON WEAPON (rogue feat) - How it works?

Rules Discussion

POISON WEAPON [one-action] FEAT 4

Requirements You are wielding a piercing or slashing weapon and have a free hand. You apply a poison to the required weapon.

If your next attack with that weapon before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, it applies the effects of the poison, provided that poison can be delivered by contact or injury. If you critically fail the attack roll, the poison is wasted as normal.

Special: During your daily preparations, you can prepare a number of simple injury poisons equal to your rogue level. These poisons deal 1d4 poison damage. Only you can apply these poisons properly, and they expire the next time you prepare.

¿Wich kind of poison can I create?
¿How long is the duration?
¿Do the enemy have to do a fortitude save?

I don't understand how this feat works.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Going by the principle of "the feat does what the feat says" and not assuming anything else:

A. Simple Injury poisons that deal 1d4 damage which have no othe identity.

B. N/A, they have no duration so it's just one chunk of extra damage.

C. No save, either.

The ability to apply poisons quickly should still work with other poisons, though. If you want to make those as part of your daily preparations, it's alchemist abilities that you need, whether with alchemist as your main class, or through a multiclass dedication.

Hammerjack +1

I think, this is how it shoul work. The main adventage of the feat imho is to save an action. You need normaly 2 action to poison a weapon. To have an alchemist in the group would be a great plus

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