Complimentary Pathfinder Society scenarios

Customer Service

Hello MODs and board. I want to think that I’ve signed up for the 4 subscriptions the right way in order to get the scenarios for free but I’m not getting them. If someone could look into it for me I’d appreciate it.

Customer Service Representative

Hi Zenan,

Not to worry! Once your books ship out you should be prompted to select which scenarios you'd like to receive. You'll start receiving the free scenarios near the end of each month beginning at the end of February!

I think I am doing something wrong, I refreshed the downloads and still do not see them.

Silver Crusade

Gonna chime in here too, I've only received mine once. I didn't realize I was supposed to be getting them monthly, thought society scenarios (I'm on SF currently) were quarterly or something.

According to my email records, October was the last time I received my Advantage bonus scenarios.

Bump? Is bumping a think anymore? Either way I still do not see anything and would like a response. At the very least if it is something I am misunderstanding or doing wrong.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Bumping in the Customer Service forum is bad, as it puts you at the back of the line (as they address the oldest postings first).

Posting in other people's threads is also bad unless the most recent previous posting is very recent, for the same reason.

Best practice is to start your own thread, stating that you should have received complementary PFS scenarios at the end of a certain month but didn't receive any then or since. Since that is not usually an urgent issue, they will address the issue in good time. I think I read somewhere that this problem is fairly common.

Ah, thank you for the best practices.

Would like to know too, is posting better than direct customer service emails? Just so I know for the future.

Also should I create a new thread because this one was made last month? I did not know the best way to follow up.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

See the new stickied post at the top of this forum. The Paizo folks explain it all better than I can.

Customer Service Representative

Hi Fenriyx,

It does look like your subscription wasn't able to start up correctly. I've fixed that for you and you should see them in your downloads section now! Moving forward they should generate automatically, but if you don't see yours at the end of this month let me know!

If you're having a recurring issue, responding to the same thread is best practice so that the team can see the history of what is going on here. For example, because I can see that this was a concern beginning in February, I was able to prioritize this and also fix a bit more quickly because I had already confirmed that you should be receiving complimentary scenarios.

If you have a new issue, starting a new thread is the way to go so that we don't spend time looking through old messages that don't pertain to your current issue.

Hopefully that all makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!

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