Kamaloo |

I'm planning to run a pbem in Eberron, using the PF1e rules, some of these conversions, and some house rules. I have a character generation rules page I can link you to in a PM if you're interested, as well as a Discord chat about it, if you're chosen. The game will be run out of groups.io, and an account there is free. You can add your character picture to your handle there. I'll also post your chosen character picture on the cast page of our support site, along with a few details of who they are for the other players.
I'm looking for 2-3 more players. The other players currently include:
- a sylph wandslinger (a houseruled swashbuckler archetype)
- a human (d'Cannith) artificer
- an aasimar "halfling" sorceror
- possibly a warforged brawler (might not join)
We'll be starting in Sharn. So far, everyone in the party has been a member of the Keen Company, under Garson Keen, who died on the Day of Mourning, getting his company out of Cyre. They escaped with the fog right on their heels.
Now, two years after the war has ended, they've received a letter... from Garson Keen. He has invited them to Sharn to help solve the mystery of what really happened on the Day of Mourning?
I'm looking for people who enjoy writing more than one-line replies. If you have a cool concept, a great backstory, a love of writing, and team spirit, this game is for you!
I'm not posting the character generation rules here, because at this point I'd mainly like to get a feel for your writing style and concepts. If you absolutely need a framework to start with, start with a 15-point ability buy (this has the potential to be altered later, according to my house rules), no evil alignments, and know that 3pp isn't out of the question if it's in my library or on d20pfsrd.
I'll let this recruitment run on several forums until I get the desired number of players - it's definitely NOT "first come, first served," but the sooner you reply, the better. I'll try to answer any questions you may have quickly, but I do work days and can usually only reply on my lunch break or in the evenings.
I'm at GMT+1, and expect you to post at least once during the week (and you're very welcome to post more often!); I make wrapup posts as quickly as possible, but usually once a week on weekends, to allow those of us who are busy a chance to respond.
I hope you'll join us!

mittean |

CG 2-year-old Wyrmforged Swashbuckler Ronin Musketeer from the Mopurnland.
(think half-dragon warforged, but with just normal warforged stats. Half-dragon is there for DM storytelling hooks, and to potentially someday unlock.)
Bexellock is stoic and optimistic and is working to redeem the good he feels is in everyone. He holds the written word very highly and loves fine entertainment, riches and worldly things. He is a bit greedy. He will jump to the defence of anyone.
His tail swishes when he is thinking or reading, and his purple eyes swim with a deeper colour. His glossy black armour scales have a deep purple tint, and he wears black armour patterned after scales. When he Laughs he hisses, and he's always into the latest fashions. He saved Aliyah's life, and has been her friend and companion since, and loves listening to her practice her flute.
He is a bit of a braggart.
LN Psiforged Mystic from Xen'drik
Dark and imposing, Demon is jet black, with markings of blood red and deep purple running over his body, which is almost crystalline. He looks like he was carved from a Khyber Dragonshard. His features are sharp, and his eyes glow red. He is dense, standing 1.8 meters (5 ft. 10 in.) tall, and weighing 100 kg (220 lbs.).
Demon is very mission-oriented. He doesn't understand the idea of conflicting morals but is curious about them. Stoic.
Demon woke up at the bottom of the Thunder sea almost 150 years ago. He began walking, stopping for decades to live in silence and darkness. Eventually he walked out of the sea into Stormreach, before taking a ship to Sharn. He has a fighting style unseen for generations.
LN 29 year-old male Brelish Human from the Blackcap Mountains Master of Many Styles Hungry Ghost Unchained Monk 1
Asher is a monk, focusing on defense and mobility, and fighting with his katana.
"My uncle believed very...different things...from my father. He believed my father was mistaken for recognizing his illegitimate children. His whoreson, he called me."
"At the end of his...I guess you have to call it a rebellion...I was the only one who stood between him and my mother. She was wounded - gravely, though I did not realize at the time - and I confronted him in the courtyard. The red autumn leaves danced around us as they fell from their branches in the wind, as the buildings behind us burned. It was so beautiful. There was no way I could beat him. He was a master swordsman. His grace, his speed, his raw power...I've never seen the like in my life since. It was everything I could do to defend myself. To turn his blade from my skin. To retaliate, and counter, and parry, and survive."
"When it was over, I found her where I'd left her. Her blood was the colour of the leaves that surrounded her."
Asher grew up a bastard of a noble in Breland - a well to do bastard, but a bastard nonetheless. His family's sigil was a valknut, two triangles in a knot, meant to signify freedom, family and glory. His father's family was an ancient Elder tree, signifying the roots and the pedigree of the house. Asher took these and combined them with an ouroboros, hand-painted over the top of the tree turned upside-down, growing out of the stone valknut. The tree is upside down to represent the fact the family is old and "dead" in this new world, and that he is a bastard of it. A part unseen.
NG 26-year-old female Cyran Human from Metrol, Cyre Cross-blooded/ Wild-blooded Arcane/ Sage Amnesiac Sorcerer 1
Might take the sorcerer bloodline dragonmark feat and/or the Bloodline of Siberys.
Korihor is a hard woman to love. She's brilliant and believes she is on a mission to civilize the world, one person at a time. She believes that society is doomed because of the way people treat each other, and the way the species treat each other. She believes that there is a problem with the rich crushing the poor, even though she doesn't believe that there is something inherently wrong with being rich.
She distrusts magic, feeling it is only abused, and dislikes religion, feeling it is a big con. The conundrum of her life lies in the fact that she seems to seep magic from every pore. She would prefer to just read a book, cook an extravagant meal, enjoy an expensive scotch and cigar, and live out her life in a warm place overlooking the sea.
Calculating and thoughtful in her planning, she often doesn't think about what she is going to say before she says it in conversation. She believes in the best of mankind, but also believes that most people are idiots; sheep, with no willpower, to make an informed choice for themselves, bent on treating each other poorly simply for a lack of understanding, or because they want a cookie.
She was born to the north of Metrol in Cyre, in the small village of Little Mingin, a dirty fishing village on the Arcadian Ocean. Her family sent her away to school in West Crown because "weird things always happened around her", the final straw is when she gave the mayor's daughter's a purple beard.
At fifteen her tattoo appeared, growing steadily down her back. She was afraid it was a disease or infection of some sort. Her fears, it seems to her, were confirmed. She is infected with magical energy. It took the form of a slowly growing upside-down tree, made of thousands of tiny arcane symbols, one by one appearing on her skin, bleeding down her back, slowly over the years. Every time something strange happened around her, the tattoo grew a little more.
At the age of 21, she awoke in an inn she was staying at in the city of *** in ***, while working as a freelance researcher for Venture-Captain Obo...or what remained of the inn. Her bed alone stood unharmed, on an untouched rise in a crater where the 'Three Barmaids' once stood. She believes she destroyed it with her magic. That was when her Mark changed from a tiny shoot to a tiny sapling on her back.
She wants nothing more than to control this magic, so it can't hurt anyone else. She can't let this thing inside her destroy everything around her.
Unbeknownst to her, her family's home was destroyed in the same fashion, at that same moment, back in Little Mingin.
Fleeing, she jumped a ship heading up the Uta river, up over the pass and down into the Sodden Lands. Over the next year, driven by fear of hurting anyone, she made her way to The Shackles, where the amount of alcohol they served seemed to match her thirst well. Fleeing a misunderstanding and a debt, she boarded a ship bound for Absalom.
She is a human, and rumour had it her grandmother was a tiefling, being from Cheliax, but she honestly considers herself human (no matter what those kids said). She cannot stand racism, and will quickly lose her cool if she sees it in practice.
She is not a hero and has done nothing she considers special.

Kamaloo |

So far:
Confirmed characters:
- a sylph wandslinger (a houseruled swashbuckler archetype)
- a human (d'Cannith) artificer
- an aasimar "halfling" sorceror
- a warforged brawler
- possibly a goblin bard
Proposed characters:
mittean - Bexellock Ryc'thwyrn - wyrmforged swashbuckler
mittean - Demon - psiforged mystic
mittean - Asher - human Master of Many Styles Hungry Ghost Unchained Monk
mittean - Ceilidh - human Cross-blooded/ Wild-blooded Arcane/ Sage Amnesiac Sorcerer (seems to be from Golarion towards the end?)
Interested, but no concept yet:

Kamaloo |

Confirmed characters:
- a sylph wandslinger (a houseruled swashbuckler archetype)
- a human (d'Cannith) artificer
- an aasimar "halfling" sorceror
- a warforged brawler
- possibly a goblin bard
- possibly a goblin rogue
Proposed characters:
Litejedi - half-orc druid (green scourge into a gatekeeper mystagogue)
Litejedi - half-orc hunter (beastkeeper)
Litejedi - warforged investigator
mittean - Bexellock Ryc'thwyrn - wyrmforged swashbuckler
mittean - Demon - psiforged mystic
mittean - Asher - human Master of Many Styles Hungry Ghost Unchained Monk
mittean - Ceilidh - human Cross-blooded/ Wild-blooded Arcane/ Sage Amnesiac Sorcerer (seems to be from Golarion towards the end?)
Interested, but no concept yet:

Snowhawk |

Grove is an outcast from his tribe in the Eldeen Reaches. He looks "half human" to the shifters because he has less body hair and a less pronounced feral facial features, but only those with horrible eyesight would mistake him for anything but a shifter. He has been in exile from his people since slaying tribesmen trying to kill a human family who had strayed too far into their territory. Afterwards he traveled east trying to find a place to hide.
He took work as a pit fighter for a while, using his bestial nature and sword skills to earn his meals. He was only saved by the intervention of Keen himself. Who gave him a purpose and pushed Grove to stop running from himself. Even after the Day of Mourning he followed the refugees to Breland and even helped in establishing New Cyre. He felt a kinship to the now homeless Cyrans and has worked to help protect them since the end of the war.
While Grove can be kind and understanding to those he feels are outcast or misplaced. He's also fiercely loyal to those he calls friend or countryman, still willing to stand and defend Keen or Cyre's name if it's called into question.
Like most shifters he's brash and blunt, but is protective of those he feels close to. He also loathes the Silver Flame, growing up with stories of what they did to shifters during the purge and having little to no respect for them even if they would otherwise be a valued friend or ally. He worked hard to become a good diplomat and calm voice in a crisis, but his prejudices against the Silver Flame and those who attacked Cyre often get the better of his otherwise level head.
Khalen was born to a low-level clerk and his wife on Stormhome. Growing up he heard tales of the horrors happening in the war from traveling soldiers. Even though his home was mostly untouched, he saw some of the hardships as some of the airships were piled with the dead to be returned home. Or the loads of warforged soldiers ferried back and forth to various battlefields across the kingdoms. His first friend was a damaged warforged named Ridge who helped load ships on one of the sky docks.
Khalen loathes Dragonmarked House politics, and actively rails against them. When he was old enough he was passed over for his Dragonmarked test because his blood was considered "too thin". Shortly after he fled his home and joined in on the war, believing that Cyre was in the right. He's been hiding a growing dragonmark on his back since before the Mourning, and fears the day when someone will discover it for themselves.
He's a loyal and true friend to those he cares for. Growing up being told how superior he is, he actively seeks to give to others before himself as a form of atonement. He's also quick to offer friendship and compassion to Warforged, even though they seem to be one of the more distrusted races. However he loathes the country of Thrane for their actions during the war, and finds Thranish traditions to be spit in the eye of the dead Cyrans. He's also distrustful of Dragonmarked houses, believing them to be like his own family: filled with people with an inflated sense of self importance.
His abilities, as far as he knows, stem entirely from his Dragonmark. And while a powerful and dedicated caster, he lives in abject fear of the day his house learns he's not only alive but bears a mark. So he restricts himself as much as he can without getting his friends killed in order to escape detection.
Maethon Sunsinger was named after a venerated ancestor. As a young Valenar elf with a great destiny, he was chosen to emulate his namesake's dedication to combat prowess, faithfulness and honesty. He and his people had come to Khorvaire to find their way in ancient lands they believed were their own before being lost to the Hobgoblin empire. As a young man he witnessed the horrors of the silver crusade, and found a cleric of unshaking faith not in the inquisition, but one of their victims. A shifter cleric who was put to death publicly refused to speak of those he had led away from them, nor would he denounce his faith or kin. Maethon found that he admired the shifter as being worthy of veneration.
When the Last War broke out he was still in training, but his training was incomplete. Helping tend horses, sharpen the blades of his kin and learn their ways from their hip, he was years away from the moment that would define him to his people. While they served Cyre as soldiers, he came to love the country, admiring it's dedication to art, music and craftsmanship. He, like all his people, had pledged themselves to the nation as soldiers. And in dedication to his ancestor, his word was his bond.
When the Valenar rebelled and took a portion of the country for themselves, however, Maethon rejected what he called "a traitor's tactic". He fled the Valenar and relinquished himself for judgement to the court in Metrol. He spent years in the dungeons, all but forgotten, before he was given the choice to fight for the crown or to die. He chose to fight. In short order he was assigned to Keen Company and posted on the front lines until the day of mourning.
Maethon is dedicated to keeping his bonds and word. He will protect those under his care or his comrades with his life, but will refuse disgraceful acts such as thievery or cold blooded murder. He's an exceptional horse-rider, but will only ride a Valenaran steed. And as his is dead, he will not willingly accept to ride on the back of any other horse, even mage-bred.
Paladin's Code
My word is my bond. Once given I buy it's weight in pain and blood.
Battle in inevitable. But I will not spill my war onto the doorsteps of those I seek to protect. I will die before I cast blood on their hearth.
I will uphold the law that serves the people. I will speak for the voiceless when the law fails them. If I must, I will throw down the law that chains them to evil designs.
I will provide aid to those who are lost on their path. I will abide imperfection of those who are learning, but not at the cost of the innocent.
My blade is my justice and my judgment. If I must I will grant a swift and peaceful passing into the next life to those who cannot be redeemed, and comfort to the sincerely repentant.
The best fight is one that ends in peace. If I cannot achieve peace, for myself or another, the battle is pointless. Pride has no place in war.
My soul and my blade I carry with me. I will trade neither for comfort or promises, but will sacrifice my life for those under my care.