Begining a new Age of ashes Campaine

Age of Ashes

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So my first game was a great success, got my 4 brand new to RPG's players their characters and started them all together on the road to Breachill. Frel, a gnome Merchent Divine Sorcerer with a chameleon familiar, Namestie Human Animal wisperer Tiger Style Monk, Rogar a Dwarven raised Human Teamster fighter and Alanon an ancient Elvin ranger/rogue bountyhunter. They all had heard about the "Call for Heros" and hitched a ride in a small caravan headed to Breachill. Of course they were attacked by Orc bandits on the way and dealt with them handily though the elf did get ko'd for a round by a lucky crit but the Gnome was able to quickly heal him up and they all really got a chance to shine from the Elf spotting the ambush and taking one out b4 anyone else could act to the Monk Tiger mauling two that were going for the Caravan master then calming the panicking horses and finally to the Fighter wiffing his first few attacks but then crushing the skull of one as it tried to flank him on his back swing with his AOO. They got to town and visited a few places of note. Sold the "junk" they got from the orcs at Quarters and bits and got a good deal with some bargaining from the gnome merchant, visited the archives and spoke to the archivist for a little history about the "call for heros" then went to the pickled ear for a terrible meal and some rot gut. Clemont (a local) tried to pick the fighters pocket and almost got away with it but the Monk noticed and grabbed him just before he dashed out the door. After recovering the poor fighter's coin pouch they just tossed him out the door, earning a free round of drinks from the barkeep who was worried things would devolve. Finally they retired to Cyaden's Keg to stay and did 5 days downtime paying for their stay and earning a few spare coins and allowing the party to buy a few common consumables before the Call to heros meeting. All told I think I got all four hooked and looking forward to next week.

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A little background for my group/game. We are all the next best thing to strangers in the Canadian Military. We are all currently at CFS Alert the northern most permanent settlement in the world doing a 6 month tour. The average temperature outside is about -36 degrees Celsius and dawn is still about a month and a half away (currently 24h night).

Sounds like a fantastic start! I'm a few weeks away from kicking off Age of Ashes myself, and I'm really excited about it as well :)

Can't think of a better type of game than an RPG when you've got lots of time on your hands. Glad you're all having a good time with it :)

Shadow Lodge

Be prepared for a lot of head-scratching in your next session once one of your players realizes you took a week or two to respond to a distress signal that is like a 30 minute walk away from town.

The whole 'call to heroes' thing doesn't really make any sense if you aren't already in town when the signal starts...

Is everything or most you mentioned also in the book? Can't remember anything happening before CfH actually happened. My fellow players and I were more or less "tossed" into Breachill the morning CfH was about to happen and had few chances of a) learning the rules or b) getting friends or c) exploring the town. That is not to say our GM did not tell us a good lot about breachill and the CfH, however we more or less started the AP with the CfH.

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I decided to have the players meet wile traveling to breachill in the same caravan. It allowed them to get used to their characters and each other. I had them arrive early to get some familiarity with the city and the people there. This is all my own addition. I plan to have them meet Alek the night before the "call to heroes" Then I will have them begin but it will be a week since the distress call and only one missed meeting. I month is a long time.... Also I'm making the Keep about 6 hours travel away cause they need to travel roundabout up a switchback to get there.

Sounds like you understand the ramifications of the changes you made and it likely will work out rather well. Iv had Alek avoid going directly into Breachill so far cus I think hes likely a bit singular of a character and I liked the fact that my group semi doesn't trust him cus the whole Hellknights being a bit evil but not. Basically him never making himself known in Breachill gives them a red hearing that he could be up to no good.

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