Now that Gods and Magic is out: intercessions for dahak?

Age of Ashes

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Obviously Age of Ashes was written before Gods and Magic was out, but this does feel like an AP where using some of the the divine intercessions could be appropriate. We have options for the core 20, plus 20 extras (which includes Alseta, which could be appropriate). But definitely feels like a Dahak curse could come into play at certain points in the story. Anyone have thoughts as to what a homebrew version of his curses should look like?

Intercessions could be handy in at least a few places. This is what I've come up with so far for Dahak's curses:

Minor Curse: Dahak’s ire shows itself as ash. At inopportune moments, you cough up a cloud of ash, which dazzles you and gives you a -1 circumstance penalty to stealth checks made to hide.

Moderate Curse: Dahak’s rage erodes your defenses against his children. Whenever you fail a save against a dragon’s breath weapon, it is a critical failure instead.

Major Curse: Dahak leverages his domain over chromatic dragons to bring about your destruction. Drakes and wyverns are hostile to you, and hunt you on sight. True chromatic dragons feel a supernatural urge to add your bones to their horde when they observe you. The nearest chromatic dragon to you is informed of your location every 24 hours, and is magically compelled to seek you out.

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Do remember that most of the time incessions are meant for the FOLLOWERS of the god.

Hence why every hero who defeats evil's god's plan isn't automatically cursed :p

That said, nothing in adventure until the finale actually attract's Dahak's attention since he doesn't seem to take notice of events until final boss is defeated judging by continue the campaign section

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