Bane and Bless

Rules Discussion

The Exchange

Assume that both the allies and the enemies have bless operating. If you then cast Bane, can you have it counteract only the enemies Bless or does it attempt to counteract both blesses? I assume that you can choose to only counteract the enemies but I have learned that the rules are spread out so you have to look in 4 different places to get the entire picture of any one item so I want to make sure I did not miss something

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think you can target specific castings of a spell when counteracting. Not 100% certain on that though.

Grand Archive

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"An emanation issues forth from each side of your space, extending out to a specified number of feet in all directions. For instance, the bless spell’s emanation radiates 5 or more feet outward from the caster. Because the sides of a target’s space are used as the starting point for the emanation, an emanation from a Large or larger creature affects a greater overall area than that of a Medium or smaller creature. An emanation effect includes the target of the emanation, but the creature creating the effect can exclude the target if desired."

Also the target for Bane's emanation is specifically enemies in the area.

I think given the level of control Paizo let's you have with emanations coupled with Bane's own targeting wording means its pretty clear you don't have to worry about ruining your allies bless.

This however gets more complicated when you check the opposing wording listed on appendix 7 subsection b which reads... Nah just pulling your leg :-) Hope this helps and happy gaming!

So just to be clear -- it *is* possible to have the same character cast Bless and Bane without one cancelling the other out (assuming, of course, the player has both spells prepared and casting them on consecutive turns)?

UncleFroggy wrote:
So just to be clear -- it *is* possible to have the same character cast Bless and Bane without one cancelling the other out (assuming, of course, the player has both spells prepared and casting them on consecutive turns)?

Yep. It's really not even as complicated as the original post makes it out to be. Both Bless and Bane say they can counteract each other, not that they do no matter what and only one can be active at a time.

Aw3som3-117 wrote:
UncleFroggy wrote:
So just to be clear -- it *is* possible to have the same character cast Bless and Bane without one cancelling the other out (assuming, of course, the player has both spells prepared and casting them on consecutive turns)?
Yep. It's really not even as complicated as the original post makes it out to be. Both Bless and Bane say they can counteract each other, not that they do no matter what and only one can be active at a time.

Cool! Thanks!

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