Genasi, Qorrashi, Khayal, and other terms

Homebrew and House Rules

This is homebrew in that I'm trying to create genie heritages. However, I'm not sure exactly what terms I can use. I had read genasi was considered a trademark of Wizard of the Coast, so I'd need to come up with a new term. I wasn't sure if the qorrashi and khayal are--I've been looking to no avail, so I'm running under the assumption they are until I know otherwise.

Can anyone here link me to fantasy terms that are exclusively trademarked elsewhere or which are just bad ideas to use (i.e. hobbits)?

Genie heritages are already a thing

Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs and Undine as well as Elemental unaligned Sulis

I believe geniekin is the general term Pathfinder uses. Are you writing these for professional publication? Because if you aren't and it's just for a home game then you can call them whatever you please.

Seisho wrote:

Genie heritages are already a thing

Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs and Undine as well as Elemental unaligned Sulis

Yes, but I'm making my own and I'd like to create more types such as those descended from the qorrashi and khayal - only I don't know if I can actually use those terms without triggering some kind of copyright or trademark infringement.

FedoraFerret wrote:
I believe geniekin is the general term Pathfinder uses. Are you writing these for professional publication? Because if you aren't and it's just for a home game then you can call them whatever you please.

For right now it's just a home game, but I'd like to get it published later and I'd rather make sure everything is above the board from the start.

Before people ask, I tried looking at TESS but couldn't find even genasi. I'm not sure if I'm searching wrong or what.

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