
General Discussion

Hello. I'm a french guy and I bought the french editions of the core rules.

I would like to give a feed back about an error during the translate processing.

In envoy classe, the improvisation "Get'them" is a move action. But in the french version it's write "Action simple" (Standard action )

I didn't know to who and where I have to tell that. But the it is.

Yeah, this came up around here a while ago.
I'm pretty sure it's more of a Black Book thing though, and I certainly hope they're aware by now.
I don't know of any other big translation mistakes, at least, so whichever slipped through are probably fairly minor.

Et je sais pas pourquoi je réponds pas en VF, mais voilà. Black Books fair la trad°, donc je pense que c'est plus leur problème et je doute que Paizo y puisse grand chose.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If there were a Paizo product page for this item, I would suggest posting there, but I was unable to find such a page. So I would suggest finding a site where this book is sold and/or looking for some way to contact the publishers of the translation.

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