3 - Life's Long Shadows (GM Reference)

Extinction Curse

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Escadar should be big enough that the party could find where the towers are generally located (The Swardlands) and head that way.

If they'd rather stop in Absalom on the other side of the islands then there really isn't a problem, just more downtime between the two adventures.

thewastedwalrus wrote:

The Headless Xulgath has the Choke Slam ability that lists a Fortitude save the target has to make but it doesn't list what happens as a result of that save.

It seems like it's probably the same as the Xulgath Spinesnapper in book 2, but I'm curious if there's supposed to be a different set of outcomes.

They just pasted the Furious Claws ability before the list of outcomes. Otherwise the outcomes don't make sense b/c Furious Claws doesn't have an associated saving throw, plus the Critical Success result presumes the creature was grabbed which is not a requirement of Furious Claws (and also seems incompatible with using all four arms to attack).

If you move them to the right place, it is very similar to the spinesnapper's ability except that it allows the victim to escape the grab if they critically succeed.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My players found Skarja's stone on the first night of Vandy's house. Shortly after leaving that place, Skarja and her nightmare attacked them on and empty backstreet of Kerrick.

She demanded the stone in return for Opper Vandy. When they refused, she attacked them, and was mercilessly killing them quite successfully.

Then the party fighter pulled out the stone, dropped it on the ground and attempted to smash it with his hammer, quite nearly succeeding.

Skarja screeched, dismounted, ran over, pushing the fighter aside like a rag doll, snatched up the stone, and fled.

The player characters don't know WTF just happened, but the players suspect they somehow pulled in a boss earlier than intended, and are pretty certain it's not a mere "ghost" that is haunting Vandy now.

I now find myself wondering where to take the Skarja arc from here.

Is Matten Cleave a reference to former Detroit Piston Mateen Cleaves?

Pathfinder Development Manager

GM Ultra Plus wrote:
Is Matten Cleave a reference to former Detroit Piston Mateen Cleaves?

Definitely not; I've never heard of such a person. But I can't know *every* name, so similarities are inevitable!

Hi. I have a question I am using experience based levelling and trying to understand how I should handle the end of the adventure. The players are level 11 when confronting Thessekka and should be level 12 at the end of the adventure.
My understanding is that you need to use story based levelling or insert quite a lot of own material into the AP to get the players to the correct level. How did you handle this? My players are going to go into the last tower tonight and are level 10. They will level up there to 11. But not sure how to handle going to 12. Seems a little bit “cheap” to have them go back to Vandy, search his house have one fight and by they way you are level 12 now.
Are there some encounters or adventures that you used from defeating Thessekka to going back to Vandys house?

Dark Archive

tinboy wrote:

Hi. I have a question I am using experience based levelling and trying to understand how I should handle the end of the adventure. The players are level 11 when confronting Thessekka and should be level 12 at the end of the adventure.

My understanding is that you need to use story based levelling or insert quite a lot of own material into the AP to get the players to the correct level. How did you handle this? My players are going to go into the last tower tonight and are level 10. They will level up there to 11. But not sure how to handle going to 12. Seems a little bit “cheap” to have them go back to Vandy, search his house have one fight and by they way you are level 12 now.
Are there some encounters or adventures that you used from defeating Thessekka to going back to Vandys house?

I believe my players leveled up as follows:

Dinner, haunting, and initial investigation w/ Vandy, all the randomish encounters in CH-1. Leveled up to 10.

Wellspring Tower and Liferoot Stone, sans Thessekka. Leveled up to 11.

Finishing the investigation and Skarja, Old Forest Tower and Thessekka. Leveled up to 12.

Because of the freeform nature of this book, probably the last of the Aeon towers will be a bit easy for the party, since the only encounters particularly meant for 11th level parties are the two big boss monsters. If your group is expected to have an easy time with Thessekka, you can beef up whichever Aeon tower they do last. Assuming the group is level 11.

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