Prior works performed by Shensen?

Hell's Rebels


So my character's backstory has always involved him being taken out of Belkzen as a child and becoming a slave/bodyguard in the Sarini family. For the bulk of that time, in his head, he kind of just went with it, and didn't think, didn't question anything. The spark that finally woke Dom up was hearing a performance by Shensen. This "opened my eyes" and made me question the life I was living.

If any of you have ever put any thought into the names of prior works/roles/songs Shensen has performed, do you think you could be persuaded to share your work with the class? Otherwise my next step is to try and file the serial numbers off some RL stuff. :D

Down with Thrune!
Free Kintargo!


I'd work with your DM on this, but, yes, you'll probably end up filing some serial numbers on this one.

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Believe it or not, a user on Reddit was extraordinarily helpful, and came up with an opera that's actually mentioned in an article on Cayden Cailean in one of the Second Darkness books, The Tale of the Prefect's Wife. Exactly what I was looking for, who'd have thought? :D

Have a good one.

Down with Thrune!

If your group has played any other AP's prior, you could make up an opera out of that AP's basic plot, with some old PCs appearing. In RL, operas are often based on famous/mythical characters, so no reason to believe libretti created on Golarion are not as well. You can take the basic plot, condense it, omit and exaggerate certain parts, and you're done. Of course it might not work for all AP's, but most should have at least one book you could use.

We played Rise of the Runelords prior to Hell's Rebels, and from the first book of that AP the Sandpoint theatre owner (whatever his name is) wrote a comedic opera that caught on around Avistan. During our session zeros some of the PCs attended that opera, with Shenshen playing the main role (which was the villain of the first book).

Details below, spoilers for Rise of the Runelords


It was called the Temptress from Thistletop, with Shenshen playing the femme fatale Nualia, trying to ensnare the stupid but heroic paladin of the group. Of course this is a heavy bastardization of the real plot, which made it more fun.

That's a really clever idea, but I'm going to go with Shensen as Thais in The Prefect's Wife, as noted above. The way it was described to me, there are themes and plot points that mesh really well with what I'm doing with Dom.

But thanks for the suggestion!

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Just now noticed this thread, but I approve! Carry on!

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Ahhh, nuts. She's gone. :)

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