Goblin Wizard (character concept)


Verdant Wheel

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not normally the "Hey, let me tell you all about my super awesome amazing best character evar!" sort, but enough people have loved the concept for my PFS 2e character that @CanisDirus suggested I should post about her somewhere. I hope this is the right place for it.

I'll bold the main point so you don't have to read through the whole thing unless you really want to.

Fruppup is a goblin wizard from the former Kingdom of Zog, and just a child when it fell. One of the longshanks was casting fire spells, which of course had her completely fascinated. She hid so she could watch him do his thing. When the dust settled, she called out and asked if he'd teach her, then cautiously peered around a corner. The longshanks (who turned out to be a member of the Society) felt conflicted since she was a kid, and alone now because of him and his compatriots. So he risked taking her in.

Fruppup was young and impressionable enough that the longshanks' culture rubbed off on her. She's still a spastic fire- and pickle-loving, dog- and horse-hating goblin with questionable goblin logic (She stunk up the place in one scenario full of misfortune with stinky goblin things like puff mushrooms, dead rats, and rotten eggs because "If air full of bad smell, no room for bad luck!" Her party's lucky she failed to find corpseflower nectar for sale...). But she's more able to control her impulses than most. And willing to cooperate, too. Since she looked up to her mentor and wanted to be helpful to others since he helped her, she joined the Society when she was old enough.

Her approach to wizardry is...unconventional. Complex arcane language and chants are Dumb, Too Much, and Not Fun. For reasons only Nethys understands, Fruppup's been able to turn goblin songs into the verbal components of her spells (I filk songs that mention fire or burning, mostly).

She's also never shaken her fear and distrust of the written word. Which is a bit of a problem when you need to study your spells each day to cast them. So she has her party members and various NPCs read her bedtime stories each night. The bedtime stories are her spells.

She's also apparently really good at making pickles. I've only rolled single-digits to make them twice so far, and it's mostly been 15s or above on the dice. In the scenario about setting up the new trade route, they were so good that she convinced the orc tribe to start making them themselves as a local novelty item that could be sold to hungry merchants along the road. They're also her favorite subject for telekinetic projectile. She keeps jars of them in a bandolier for easy access.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I would love to see her build!

Verdant Wheel

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

She just hit level 3 and I haven't leveled her up yet, but so far:
10 16 12 16 8 16 on the ability scores
Fire-focused evoker with spell substitution
Charhide goblin, Entertainer background, CN alignment
Trained in Arcana, Deception, Theater Lore, Goblinoid Lore, Pickle Lore, Performance, Stealth, and Survival, plus Herbalism Lore from networking points.
Feats are Goblin Song, Fascinating Performance, Trick Magic Item, and Widen Spell
Cantrips are Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Message, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame, Read Aura, Sigil, Telekinetic Projectile, Tanglefoot, Electric Arc
1st-level spells are Burning Hands, Color Spray, Goblin Pox, Grease, and Magic Missile.

Some of her spell songs:

Burning Hands (Fire and Rain by James Taylor)
Fruppup make fire and make you pain
Fruppup hands burn and make the burn extend
It burn you and it burn all of your friends
And if Fruppup lucky that be your end

Goblin Pox (Sick by Flyleaf)
I will lick, onto your skin
The pox living in my saliva
I will LIIIIIIIIICK (at which point she charges the target)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So adorable! I love her already!

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