Taldan currency names

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I'm about to start running War for the Crown, and given Taldor's self-centred nature, I thought it reasonable to assume that the majority of coins changing hands have been minted in Taldor. To add some immersion to the campaign, I've decided to refer the each coin by its official name, rather than just 'gold piece.' Problem is, I can't find the official names for Taldor's currency types. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

AFAICT, it's not been officially stated. It's not in Taldor: Echoes of Glory or on the wiki. Make up something suitably pompous, I guess.

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Taldor is kind of intended to be after they heydays of knights and chivalry, as the wealth disparity and arrogance of of the whole system starts to creak at the edges. One option is to call them crowns, or just directly copy medieval european currency names from England/France. A way more fun option would be to:

Name them after the Ghost Kings from later books. This would be an amazing touch. When the PCs near the end of the campaign, they can say things like "Wait! They guy from the money!!!???"

In some Pathfinder Tales books, gold pieces are refered to as "Crowns", but I can't remember which.

Applying that to Taldor, I can see pold pieces having Kings minted on, silver might have Knights/Army leaders and would thus be "Swords", and copper could have the major produce minted (to signify the lowly rank of serfs/"to value the efforts of our hard working people") so maybe "Roots" or "Plows" or something.

I often think of Taldor as vaguely Byzantine/Ottoman (the latter more appropriate with Golarion's general late-Renaissance into mid-Modern setting). A quick trip to Wikipedia tells me:

1 gold lira = 100 silver qirsh
1 qirsh = 40 pare (presumably silver)
1 para = 3 silver akche

I might do something with that ~ I kinda appreciate the weird conversion amounts in real-world coinage, so I might keep those, or you could just call a platinum piece a lira, a gold piece a qirsh, a silver piece a para, and a copper piece an akche.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This idea is about as bad as coming up with calendars that aren't 7/30/12/360 or with absurd fantasy measurement systems such as feet or pounds or Fahrenheits - after few games, people will ditch the fancy names and revert to whatever is most natural for them, in case of money that being cp/sp/gp/pp.

And don't get me started on electrum pieces.

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...were electrum pieces the original bitcoin?

...shows themselves out of the thread...

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