Party continuing to other adventure paths question.

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

So I have a party that has finished Dragon's Demand and wanted to keep their characters for Curse of the Crimson Throne...

CotCT is pretty good with the instructions on how to start with returning characters, but my question is about character progression at this point. Am I to assume that the modified # due to playing another adventure path equates to adventure level?

For example, my group has finished Dragon's Demand so by the rules of returning characters, # gets a +3 moving forward. As we get hero points are we to consider Deck 1 of CotCT to be 'level' 4 and we can get up to four skill feats, power feats, and card feats? Or do we just collect hero points until the ACTUAL deck 4?

The rulebook says the number of feats is limited by the # of the last scenario you've completed; so if you are increasing #, you also increase the number of feats you can acquire.

(However, you may wish to note that the Dragon's Demand Adventure Path Reward gives you an alternative option for proceeding into Curse, or any other Adventure Path, which may be easier; though it would grant you fewer feats to work with.)

foxoftheasterisk wrote:

The rulebook says the number of feats is limited by the # of the last scenario you've completed; so if you are increasing #, you also increase the number of feats you can acquire.

(However, you may wish to note that the Dragon's Demand Adventure Path Reward gives you an alternative option for proceeding into Curse, or any other Adventure Path, which may be easier; though it would grant you fewer feats to work with.)

I did forget that, but then we wouldn't be able to spend many hero points for feats until deck 4. Which bothers me a little. I just wanted to confirm my understanding of Curse's rules for returning characters.

Follow Up question in regards to Curse: On page 3, where it talks about the adjustment to #, it seems to be implying that not only banes with # are adjusted, but all banes' difficulty is adjusted by the # of the previous adventure path... am I correct in that understanding? Other banes that don't normally have # would still get (in my case) a +3 difficulty?

Ironvein wrote:

it seems to be implying that not only banes with # are adjusted, but all banes' difficulty is adjusted by the # of the previous adventure path... am I correct in that understanding? Other banes that don't normally have # would still get (in my case) a +3 difficulty?

No, it only says to increase their level by that amount - which only effects powers that specifically refer to levels. It has no effect on their difficulty.

foxoftheasterisk wrote:

No, it only says to increase their level by that amount - which only effects powers that specifically refer to levels. It has no effect on their difficulty.

K, was playing that correctly then. Thanks for the clarification.

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More detail was provided about the Core->CotCT party transition here: ne#4

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