Summoned Creature range

Rules Discussion

The Exchange

Am I correct in assuming that a summoned creature has to stay within 30' of the caster the entire time they are summoned (turns after the initial one) or can they move out of that range? If they can move, is there a limit?

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The spells don't state the summon has to stay within range, so I don't see a reason to force that to be a thing.

I think a limit would then come down to practical terms of how the summon can travel within the duration of the spell and what it's been told to be doing.

If I remember correctly, this edition doesn't have as much mass summoning, right?

I ask, because one of the reasons why I would look into the spell range was because of a tactic that used the mass summoning of low level elementals to scout. Air for speed, earth for passing through walls.

Sadly, this seems like less of an option now.

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