Stolen Land: Jhod Kavken and an evil party


Hi everyone,

I am asking you for advice.

My fellow players are exploring the greenbelt in the first book of Kingmaker. The party started doing good deeds by helping out at the trading post, fighting the bandits and even freed the Erastil temple of the bear of which Jhod Kavken was quite grateful for.

However, in the last couple of sessions the party become more and more evil, but in a quite lawful manner. And they have quite a hang for necromancy. Jhod Kavken (who is still at Oleg's) became aware of some of their actions and thus offered his guidance. However, they ignore his offer. Sooner or later, a conflict is about to arise.

Now to my question: if they will stick to their lawful evil path (also messing with around with necromancy), what could Jhod do?

Should he become an antagonist, asking somewhere for help? Or should he simply try to build up the temple again caring for the people who will be in need of council and healing?

I am a little bit stuck here, so any suggestion is much appreciated.

Many thanks, Roland

PS: Excuse my English skills, I am not a native speaker.

I personally never really saw Jhod as the type that would actively fight against the party. Rather, he'd be content to have his temple and grow the church from there. However, there's no reason that he would need to help the party either.

My players used Jhod a lot early on as a source of healing/spells and ultimately put him on the council. In your scenario, I'd see Jhod as a "Thanks, but no thanks." kind of guy. He'll stay out in his temple and honor Erastil that way. Now, if you want some kind of confrontation there, I could see the PCs eventually expanding the kingdom out to where his temple is and Jhod, and presumably now a sizable section of followers, saying "No way! Leave us alone!" You could have a bit of a conflict there if you wanted -- though lets face it, its unlikely to go well for Jhod and his crew at that point.

All that said though, this is your campaign. You can very much make Jhod a holy avenger if you want. Heck, in my game I gave him a couple of levels of druid as a means of helping the party out early on.

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I imagine that Jhod would try to dissuade the players from their ways ... then eventually they'd come back to Oleg's one day, and he'd be gone.

In the meantime, Jhod probably follows his vision to the Temple of the Elk. Once there, he would start his little temple and attract followers. Including, perhaps, a small order of paladins and inquisitors devoted to Erastil. I would treat this as a rival kingdom that sets up with the Temple at its capital, then expands outward at a slow rate.

Thank you for the answers, gentlemen. I will definitely use your inputs.

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