Witch Lesson Skills

Witch Playtest

The first page of the Witch says you are trained in a skill determined by your first lesson, but I dont see any skills listed on said lessons. Are they listed somewhere else or did this feature just slip through the cracks?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It is the skill associated with your Spellcasting Tradition.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Another errata candidate. This is the most logical idea, but it is never directly stated in the playtest document.

Grand Lodge Designer

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It's in First Lesson on page 36, but it's helpful to know that it's being overlooked because that means we need to make it clearer in the final document.

I'd note that on my first reading I assumed there would be a specific skill called out by the lesson beyond just the four that associated with spellcasting traditions. On a second read through after not seeing a skill specified it made more sense, but the language still seemed a little vague.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It might help if the sentence in the First Lesson section included either a parenthetical reminder of which skill corresponds to which spellcasting tradition or a specific reference to page 238 of the core rulebook, as it is easy to forget or never have known if you are making a witch as your first character.

David knott 242 wrote:

It might help if the sentence in the First Lesson section included either a parenthetical reminder of which skill corresponds to which spellcasting tradition or a specific reference to page 238 of the core rulebook, as it is easy to forget or never have known if you are making a witch as your first character.

I concur. The witch is the first character I have ever made for 2E (I usually just GM but our party just lost two members so I'm making an NPC cohort to fill in until we can recruit some new players) and had no idea that there were specific skills connected to each spellcasting tradition. It has just never come up before at our table. So I had no idea where to look for this until I came to the forums looking for that information.

I still do not understand this/cannot find it. Would someone mind telling me what skill you get in each case?

Edit: Wait, do they mean nature for primal, arcane for arcane, and occult for occult?

MadMars wrote:

I still do not understand this/cannot find it. Would someone mind telling me what skill you get in each case?

Edit: Wait, do they mean nature for primal, arcane for arcane, and occult for occult?

Yeah, it's just the standard tradition skill. The good news is it sounds like they're definitely going to make it more explicit in the final version.

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