Illusory Creatures ideas for large+ size


I would like to hear peoples thoughts on what some good Illusory Creature uses would be for creatures that would be large size and larger still. Something that would not clearly give a save because too little damage was done. like in the example a large dragon only doing 5 damage the gm might give a free action perception to save vs Illusory Creature.

- horse
- giant frog

Those are the ones i can see doing the right amount of damage and being large. Feel free to suggest monsters from pathfinder first ed as those monsters are still around even if they don't have stats right now. In the end I would like this used as a reference for anyone wanting to use this spell but they don't know or have the time to select a creature that would do the same amount of damage that Illusory Creature would do for its level.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Incorporeal ghosts, shadows, and the like. They hurt, but don't necessarily hit hard. They're also rarer than other monsters I think, so most people aren't generally knowledgeable on how much they're supposed to hurt.

They have the added benefit of being really scary looking, and happens to be immune to things like positive energy, which may cause certain characters to waste actions against it. :D

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