Diablo 4

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Liberty's Edge

It's official.

Cinematic Trailer

Gameplay Trailer

Its Blizzard, so no release window. They said they taking alot from Diablo 2. I loved that game.

Scarab Sages

They have a lot of work to do to get me back after I got burned out on Diablo 3. It's nice that they're finally publicly working on it, but since Reaper of Souls, so much of Blizzs Diablo identity has completely left Activision's staff. With all the ill will that they earned in D3 among some fans and the corporate direction in the years since, I see it as a harder sell for fans than D3 was (omg really?) 7.5 years ago.

I believe they released this in order to draw attention away from their 'foreign buisness'

Yeah that whole Hong Kong thing isn't doing well for their bottom line.

I DO hope we'll see more classes than the three presented. Also we'll see if they fixed any of the mistakes they made in D3.

Silver Crusade

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*sees Lilith*

I am horroused.

I dunno about THAT but at least now we'll get to see how Daddy's girl does at the whole 'Look I'm old enough to make my own damn hellish choices!"

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I hope it's a better game than D3 was. I mean it wasn't horrible but it was 1 run and done as far as I was concearned, it just didn't feel like it had any replay value to it (particularly for someone who has zero interest in PVP).

The video however has inspired me to start work on a "Hell on Earth" Pathfinder campaign.

Scarab Sages

Greylurker wrote:

I hope it's a better game than D3 was. I mean it wasn't horrible but it was 1 run and done as far as I was concearned, it just didn't feel like it had any replay value to it (particularly for someone who has zero interest in PVP).

The video however has inspired me to start work on a "Hell on Earth" Pathfinder campaign.

I enjoyed Diablo 3 from launch, particularly after Reaper of Souls. That said, it felt like once I beat the game with each class, there was literally nothing left to do. Rifting isn't my flavor of play, and post Reaper, the entire Meta became greater rifts for equipment. Just not my thing, so I moved on, and haven't wanted to reinstall in the years since. Grim Dawn scratches my ISO ARPG itch when needed.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I loved D3, but was lukewarm about Reaper of Souls.
I played every class through all 5 acts.
A couple of characters I played through at least 3 times starting with the easiest and going up.
I wanted to play all the levels, but just didn't have time.

I agree that the Barbarian, Druid and Sorcerer are not enough classes.
I think Lilith may be more devious than Diablo.
She orchestrated the creation of Sanctuary and the Nephelem as a powerful army for her to control.

Well I mean if she wants to run creation, I'm assuming her children would be the best course/way to do so.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

It's official. Its Blizzard, so no release window. They said they taking alot from Diablo 2. I loved that game.

I've read some of the Blizzard online materials, and it looks pretty good. They are going back to the more dark, cinematic look of D2.

Which is what I LOVED about D2 to begin with! :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Official Release Date Trailer - 6/6/2023

Scarab Sages

It took me about 5 years to get around to playing D3. So I suppose I’ll eventually play this one as well. Just not sure when.

This is the trailer I was waiting for...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Diablo IV comes out in June and the next Zelda comes out in May, but the cut scenes from both are already appearing on YouTube.
The companies need to screen their beta testers better.

So like, light vs dark, there's some murder and mayhem, and you fight demons? Cool I guess. The trailer looked pretty dope.

Scarab Sages

Less of a wait than I thought before I started playing. I allowed The Fates to decide. My dry cleaners is across the road from a Game Stop. As I was turning out of their parking lot, I said if the light to cross wasn’t back up, I’d go over to Game Stop and see if they had it. The light turned green right as I got there.

Anyway - first impressions. The graphics are great. There’s a lot to do, in a far more open gaming world than previous editions. Still some linear progression so far, though. Character appearance is very customizable - body, face, hair, tattoos, makeup, jewelry, even eye color and face (though I really couldn’t tell much difference on those).

You start off fairly linear, then once you hit the main town where your stash is located, it opens up a lot more. You can just sort of explore and come across all kinds of stuff: random encounters, side quests, dungeons (large and small), and events. Those events are where other players can come in. Since I don’t typically like or trust people, I do my best to ignore them, but I have found myself in at least one event with some other folk, and it wasn’t bad.

My first character is a barbarian named Buliwyf (from Eaters of the Dead). They brought the skill tree back, with a slightly different twist. The skills are grouped in clusters. You start with a basic set, and as you go up in levels you get access to new clusters. So far, I’ve only made use of a handful of skills: Frenzy, Flay (I think that’s what it’s called), Double Swing, Whirlwind, and Jump. The Barbarian can carry up to four weapons, and the game will auto switch between them depending on what skills you use. Though there is a way to customize which weapons you use with each skill.

There are still a few things I’m getting used to. There’s something called (I think) an emote wheel, for communicating with NPCs and other players. I had to look it up to find out how to use it for a small side quest. And there’s ways to upgrade things like weapons & potions, and apparently extract abilities.

Overall, I’m having fun so far.

Scarab Sages

Also, I waited until the boy left for summer camp before buying. That way I get at least a week to myself before he wants to play.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Quick question.
Do you have to go online when playing it on xbox or playstation?

Scarab Sages

I believe it is completely online. As you play, you’ll see many other players running around. However, you do not have to interact with them.

Scarab Sages

I had to redo my barbarian’s build. I was having too much trouble beating bosses. Found a Whirlwind build I liked and started kicking ass even more.

And I got my first extra potion. You start with four, and have to earn renown in each area to get more.

I do not, however, have a horse yet.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was hoping solo play would be off line.
Haven't got it yet, but I'm a little put off by having other players being on screen when playing solo.
Sounds more like a MMORPG.

Scarab Sages

I felt the same way, which is why I waited so long after release to get it. Two of my co-workers have been playing it with their respective wives, however, and after talking to them I decided to take a chance.

So far, it hasn’t been a problem. The most I notice other players is when I’m in the main city with my stash. Then I just ignore them.

The only time I might interact a little with other players is when I come across an “event”. They’ve got them scattered all over. Sometimes, there are other players participating. I just do what I do. They do what they do. And then we collect rewards and leave.

Scarab Sages


Hit level 50 with Buliwyf the Barbarian. Moved into paragon levels. He’s moving along pretty well, though he doesn’t have a horse yet.

One thing I find interesting is Aspects. They’re basically like the special ability of a legendary item. You can find them, earn them by beating a dungeon, or extract them from a legendary item. You can then imprint them on other items (rare definitely, maybe magic) and turn those items into legendary.

Last night before I switched over to my sorcerer (for couch co-op with the boy, where he plays a rogue), I found a dungeon that had a sweet barbarian aspect as a reward. It gives you 2 points of fury every second a shout remains active. And I have two shouts, with stuff that extends them.

Scarab Sages

Tonight, the boy and I are going to hit a dungeon that will give my sorcerer a really good aspect.

Scarab Sages

Woot!!! I got my horse!

And I kicked the snot out of Andariel.

Scarab Sages

Woot! I beat Lilith! Which is essentially beating the game. The story part, anyway. That opens up a whole bunch more for me to do.

And I’ve still got more areas to finish exploring, a ton of side quests to complete, and a good number of dungeons to conquer.

Plus a whole bunch of Lilith Statues to find.

Scarab Sages

As an aside, the epilogue after you beat Lilith?!? For those who might have seen it, I think I know where that boat is going.

I think the passenger is headed back to Tristram for the inevitable expansion.

I just want to see more of the grim dark that was in the original two...

Scarab Sages

Started a new round with the boy. He’s playing a necromancer. I’m playing a Druid.

Pulverizer build is centered around being a werebear. So far, it’s pretty damn badass. Just gotta watch the spirit levels.

Scarab Sages

Since Buliwyf the Barbarian already beat Lilith, it be been running him around trying to find more stuff, beat more dungeons, and finish more side quests.

Last night, I took him through the first Capstone Dungeon. You need to beat that on difficulty level 2 (World Tier 2) in order to unlock difficulty level 3 (World Tier 3). That also unlocks the other renown levels in each area.

That was a tough fight. The boss killed me once.

Scarab Sages

Whoo damn! I went up to World Tier 3 with my barbarian. It am certainly made things a bit more challenging.

For now, at least.

Scarab Sages

Apparently, once you go to WT3, it opens up things called Helltide Events. Basically, for like a hour, a whole section of the map will be engulfed in this Helltide. Bunch of monsters show up, typically stronger than normal. And some of them drop these shards you can collect.

If you get enough of the shards, you can use them to open special chests in the area. These chest supposedly contain some sweet loot.

I say “supposedly” because I didn’t get a chance to find out. I started fighting in the area with only 18 minutes left to go in the event, and didn’t have enough time to build up enough shards.

Otherwise, the Helltide was disappointing. For having a lot tougher bad guys, they didn’t drop anything when killed. Other than some gold.

Scarab Sages

I’ve avoided reconfiguring my barbarian into what they call an Endgame build so far. Mostly because I like the build I’ve been playing with. Good flow.

I did enchant some of my items with more useful aspects. Ones that take advantage of the build I do have.

Scarab Sages

In the course of the game’s storyline, you interact with a being called The Tree of Whispers. It’s a sentient tree that knows a bunch of stuff, but to get something out of it you have to make a deal. Then when you die it gets your head to hang in its branches and join the other whispers. Creepy, but in a cool way.

After the main story, you can become a kind of bounty hunter for the tree. You go do the bounties to fill up a meter. When it’s full, you get a choice of chests with loot inside.

After putting it off for days, I finally started doing it last night. Slogged my way through two dungeons (with with an easy boss, the other with a pain in ass boss). The rewards were….a bit disappointing. Something I’ve noticed sadly seems to be a theme in the “endgame” aspect.

Scarab Sages

After yesterday’s post, I went back in and tried the Whispers of the Dead again. I had noticed there were two different kinds of icon indicating tasks to perform as part of that story.

Sure enough, the other kind of icon is tasks that are less of a slog through a dungeon. Basically, these other tasks have you going to an area and killing “x” number of a type of creature. The creatures that are normally found in that area will still be there, however. Plus, it might be in a location you haven’t explored too much. Which is cool, because then you can discover new areas.

Scarab Sages

When I got home from work yesterday, my boy was playing D4. He was excited because he found Incinerate for the sorcerer, and rebuilt his character around that.

So this morning, being unable to sleep, I jumped on and rebuilt my own sorcerer around and Incinerate build I found a YouTube video discussing. Took it for a brief test drive. Pretty badass.

Scarab Sages

Now I just have to find more aspects that support this build. I’ve got one already, found by my barbarian. It’s the key one for the build.

Do you actually end up giving the tree your head?

Scarab Sages

Not yet. Someone else you get to know does, however.

Scarab Sages

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Going through a dungeon last night - all of a sudden there was a boss. I thought “damn, what’s he doing here”. Then I realized - IT’S THE BUTCHER!!!! AAAAHHH!!

He shows up randomly in dungeons. I beat him, but it was a good fight. The rewards were disappointing.

Scarab Sages

I’ve got all but one of the 15 original strongholds conquered. Alcarnus is giving me fits. Tried it twice now, and can’t beat the final boss.

Scarab Sages

The strongholds are weird though, I think. Some of them are definitely structured to be easier for some classes and builds. I had one that fighting through it was easy for my barbarian, but the final boss gave him trouble. The same stronghold was the opposite for my sorcerer.

Scarab Sages

And I’m getting close to finding all the altars of Lilith.

Scarab Sages

So I think it’s pretty definite some of the bosses are definitely easier to beat with certain types of character class. The one stronghold boss my barbarian absolutely cannot beat was easily handled by my fire sorcerer.

Scarab Sages

I unlocked all the renown levels in the game, so I permanently took my Barbarian to World Tier 3. Did some Helltide stuff, unlocking several of the chests you can get.

This morning I jumped on and saw a World Boss was active. So I joined the fight and helped beat him. That was cool. And I only died twice.

Scarab Sages

Beat Lilith with my Disco Inferno Sorcerer last night. So now I’ll move him up to World Tier 2 and beat the first Capstone Dungeon, which will unlock World Tier 3.

I’ll probably keep him at WT2 for a bit longer, though. Get some more levels and a few better magic items and legendary aspects.

Scarab Sages

After that, I’ll either tool around a bit with him or my Barbarian, or I’ll start a new character. Probably a necromancer.

Scarab Sages

And the more I think about it, I really wish I’d gone with the fire aspect of my sorcerer from the moment I created him. Then I could have named him Discus Infernus.

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