Cleric Hellknight Armiger


Is there a way to make a non-human cleric qualify for Hellknight Armiger Dedication at level 2? The "trained in heavy armor" requirement seems to be holding me back.

There is none so far. Is waiting until level 4 very troublesome? I have the character guide, but I have yet to look at the subsequent Hellknight archetypes.

No, not really. Just curious. Guess I'll advise my player to take Emblazon Armament, then take Armor Proficiency at third and the dedication at 4th

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Honestly, my GM just let me fudge the heavy armor requirement and everything else was manageable. As long as you're able to get into it by the time you actually go for the Signifier (I assume that's what they'll use?) feat, it's not as though the heavy armor means much. I mean, without the actual suit of hellknight plate, who really cares if they're using heavy or not?

Tough one.

A human will forgo his lvl 1 ancestry feat ( which, depends its heritage could be a 1st level only feat ) in order to unlock the dedication.

I'd say that, to make it as balanced as possible, you could take dedication by lvl 2 if you forgo your ancestry feat lvl 1 ( to take a general training feat, even if you are not human ).

I also dislike stuff like this ( some races being able to take dedications before others ).

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