Kingmaker 10th Anniversary Hardcover thread


Seems like we should have a thread for this: announcements, news, rumours, and sharing information. If anyone has anything to add to the information below, please jump in!

When: If I understand correctly, this will be available in "Spring 2020"? But no more precise date yet, right?

What: It'll be the Kingmaker AP from way back in 2010, but cleaned up a bit and then with a lot of new material added, including some from the computer RPG. Two versions will be available, for PF1 and for PF2. Correct?

Thanks in advance,

Doug M.

I hope there will still be a 1st edition version.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Not quite. The hardcover revised and updated AP will be PF2, while there will be bestiary/NPC supplements for PF1 and D&D 5E for those who want to run the new thing under these rulesets.

Gorbacz wrote:
Not quite. The hardcover revised and updated AP will be PF2, while there will be bestiary/NPC supplements for PF1 and D&D 5E for those who want to run the new thing under these rulesets.

Ah ha, okay. Thank you.

Is there someplace they've said they would release updates or ongoing information? The Kickstarter page? Or is it just "Spring 2020, we'll let you know"?

Doug M.

Well that is extremely disappointing to hear.

It is a little sad that Kingmaker never saw a proper 1e hardcover, but I'm still going to buy the book as well as the 1e and D&D 5e expansion books, plus the Companion Guide and, hopefully, pawn box.

What is the Companion Guide about?

Doug M.

The companions from the Kingmaker video game. Comprehensive multi-level statblocks, quests, the works. They're good characters.

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Have they given any thought to incorporating some of the mods that GMs here have written? Hargulka's Monster Kingdom is still a classic.

pennywit wrote:
Have they given any thought to incorporating some of the mods that GMs here have written? Hargulka's Monster Kingdom is still a classic.

They had plenty of recommendations to do so in response to their own questions to fans about this, but I haven't looked at any of the available content to see if they're doing that.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

Is there someplace they've said they would release updates or ongoing information? The Kickstarter page? Or is it just "Spring 2020, we'll let you know"?

Doug M.

I second this query.

What's The update?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Latest update is HERE and according to a reply to a previous update the target is April '22.

I just discovered I never got round to completing my pledge and it's closed now. Mailed CustServ. Fingers crossed - we're due to finish a campaign in the Spring so this would be awesome.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Never heard back from customer service, April has almost gone and we're looking at September. I've started running it in PF1e and don't know if I want this any more anyway.
My players were all going to buy 2e for this, too. We're rather disappointed, but there were so many great ideas in the forum for 1e that it started off great!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I received an email update today saying it had just been sent to the printer.

Anybody know whether there will be data packages for Hero Lab Online and Roll20?

Sovereign Court

As the shipping date draws near, I was wondering if the Kingmaker Adventure Path Special Edition hardcover was written entirely for 2E or if 1E skill DCs were provided? I purchased the 1E Bestiary Add-On but I am uncertain if some amount of 2E to 1E conversion will be required when I run the adventure. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated; thank you.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

James Jacobs has confirmed in another thread that it is entire written for 2E. Stat blocks for creatures not in the 1E books are in the 1E Bestiary, every thing else you will have to convert yourself.

Here's hoping NPCs are in there too.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is the Hardcover going to be part of either the Adventure Path Subscription or the Adventure Subscription or will I just have to order it as an individual product?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
Here's hoping NPCs are in there too.

They are, including old npcs who are now higher level than in 1e ;D

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