armored skirt

Rules Discussion

Envoy's Alliance

Im reading my last omens character guide and the armored skirt item is confusing me. The part about the Speed penalty, whatever the type of armor it is said to reduce the penalty by 2. should it be written by 5? seams odd to have a value other then a multiple of 5.

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Lost Omens Character Guide page 91, Armored Skirt wrote:
When worn with a breastplate, chain shirt, chain mail, or scale mail, an armored skirt increases the armor’s item bonus to AC by 1, worsens the armor’s check penalty by 1, reduces the armor’s Dex cap by 1, increases the Strength score required to ignore the check penalty and reduce the Speed penalty by 2, and adds the noisy trait.

It's parsed as "increases the Strength score required to (ignore the check penalty and reduce the Speed penalty) by 2, and adds the noisy trait."

It could be rewritten as "increases by 2 the Strength score required to ignore the check penalty and reduce the Speed penalty, and adds the noisy trait" without changing the meaning.

That is, no Speed penalty is changing value at all, only the Str threshold for reducing the Speed penalty.

Hope that helps.

Envoy's Alliance

thank a lot

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Was having trouble wrapping my head around it too. Thanks for the clarification.

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