Classes combined with Multiclass Archetypes

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

I am planning on running a game really soon. I have currently two players right now, maybe sometime in future will have some more.

I plan on running the age of ashes campaign

My question is this.

What would be the power level of a character with a base class and was given a multiclass archetype for free. Where he would automatically get the class feats of the archetype without spending actual class feats to obtain them.

He would not get access to any other multiclass archetypes, but can freely choose any other type of archetype as usual.

My other choice right now is to use the non elite template on all creatures above a certain challenge. That way the encounters won't have to be altered to much for two players.

any advice?

Liberty's Edge

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I don't think this actually makes the character more powerful in the strictest sense at all. It gives them more options, and some of the combos do help power level slightly, but certainly not a full level's worth.

With only two PCs, I'd do this and throw in an NPC of about the same level to help them as well.

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Paul Jr wrote:

I am planning on running a game really soon. I have currently two players right now, maybe sometime in future will have some more.

I plan on running the age of ashes campaign

My question is this.

What would be the power level of a character with a base class and was given a multiclass archetype for free. Where he would automatically get the class feats of the archetype without spending actual class feats to obtain them.

He would not get access to any other multiclass archetypes, but can freely choose any other type of archetype as usual.

My other choice right now is to use the non elite template on all creatures above a certain challenge. That way the encounters won't have to be altered to much for two players.

any advice?

I would think carefully about what levels such a character gets the free archetype feats actually. Everyone gets something at every level, but that would make even levels involve way more options and choices than usual. A non-power consideration to take into account. If they start with the archetype it might be cool (and more powerful to get the archetype feats one level early as well). 1, 3, 5, etc. That way they effectively get alternating class feats, but odd levels are more overloaded.

Thanks for the responses so far.

For right now I applied the elite or the weak template to all of the first monster encounters across the board. I also adjusted the number of them, so that they are close to what the modified encounter budget would be.

For example

I "weakened" the goblin dogs to become level 0 creatures. I then adjusted the number down from 3 to 2.

When the gamemastery book comes out I will look into how gestalt characters work and see if that makes the characters equal to 1.5 level or 2 levels.

Sovereign Court

One of my house rules is that characters can buy their first Multiclass Archetype and feats using their General skills as well as their Class skills. Your second Multiclass, if you take one, must be bought entirely with Class skills like normal (or you can buy the Dedication with the Multitalented Human ancestry feat).

I am hoping that the Gamemastery Guide will cover this question. It will certainly discuss the option of granting extra feats to PCs.

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