Stalwart Gloomblade for Tyrant's Grasp?


Looking for feedback on a 1e Gloomblade build

My group will be starting Tyrant’s Grasp in the near future, and I was hoping to get some feedback on my build. I’ll be the only melee in a 4-person party, and this is my first time playing a full martial (I’ve played my share of Magus, Summoner, and Oracle). Looking for help either optimizing the dips I’m using to cover feats, or any ideas that might result in fun interesting playstyles that take advantage of the Gloomblade’s Shadow Weapon.

No spoilers for TG please, but feel free to reference the Tyrant’s Grasp Player’s Guide content.

Party Composition
- Spirit Guide Oracle of Pharasma
- Twilight Sage Arcanist
- Bolt Ace Gunslinger / Inquisitor

Primary Success Criteria
- Solo-melee tank
- Trap finder
- Manifesting a weapon of pure awesomeness (Mini link)

- 25 pt buy (no dump stats)
- Two traits, one must be Tyrant's Grasp specific
- Background skills
- Non-int classes have a minimum of 4+int skill ranks / level
- “Anything Paizo” (no leadership, more RAI than RAW)
- Free Weapon Finesse (not planning on using it, but it is an option)
- Advanced Weapon Training is ok, so long as it does not apply to a specific weapon group (example: Fighter’s Tactics is ok, Versatile Training is not)

The Build
Divine Tracker/Trapper Ranger 1, Green Knight Cavalier 1, Gloomblade Fighter+
Human – Dimdweller (60ft. Darkvision)
Str 16(18), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Traits: Aldori Caution, The Reclaimer

L1 Fighter – Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack
Medium armor and no shield proficiency means early game is going to be tough. Picking up Dodge and P.A. early helps with focus firing targets before they kill me.
L2 Ranger – Improved Unarmed Strike, Trap Finding, Favored Enemy +2 (Undead)
We need IUS [Lythertida] to qualify for Crane, snag Trap Finding, and Favored enemy (Undead) is icing on the cake.
L3 Fighter – Combat Expertise, Crane Style
We need C.E. for Whirlwind, and we leverage Crane for Stalwart.
L4 Fighter
Nothing of note.
L5 Cavalier – Endurance, Diehard, Stalwart, Intercept Charge
Green Knight gets us two feats needed for Stalwart, as well as an anti-undead oath. Intercept Charge is a bonus pick up here for tanking, and we take Stalwart as our 5th level feat. Fighting defensively we are now DR 5/-
L6 Fighter – Spring Attack
Needed for Whirlwind
L7 Fighter – Whirlwind Attack
With a reach weapon, we threaten 5ft.(I.U.S.) and 10ft.
L8 Fighter – Lunge
Now we threaten 15ft.
L9 Fighter – Advanced Weapon Training: Fighter’s Tactics
We can now use Intercept Charge on anyone in the party
L10 Fighter – Gloomstorm
We can swap weapons as a free action if needed. Allows for full attack throwing javelins
L11 Fighter – Improved Stalwart
We are now DR 10/-, and our Gloomblade reach is now +5 (20ft/with lunge and reach weapon)
L12 Fighter – Crane Wing
We can choose to stick with AC rather than DR if we want the deflect
L13 Fighter – Crane Riposte
Fighting defensively is now only a -1
L14 ???
L15 ???
L16 ???
L17 ???

Closing Thoughts
Going back to our goals, we have a Low AC tank "easy target" with DR 10/- that can threaten a 20ft. radius. We threaten with IUS, so we can wield a Greatsword to hit things hard, then hold it in one-hand to threaten with unarmed and keep Crane Style benefits. Because our base Will save is pretty bad, I was thinking the remaining feats could be something like Combat Reflexes, Cut From the Air, Spellcut, Smash from the Air.

What are your thoughts? I would love to hear any and all feedback around the build/concept.

Not a lot of interest here, took this to reddit

Gloomblade optimization advice

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