How would you - Water Living Monolith

Homebrew and House Rules

Now as the title suggests I am looking for ideas on how with the least amount of alteration convert the

Living Monolith Prestige Class

Into one based off of water instead of stone.

Second question, If you were to replace the Sphinx with one with a more aquatic flavour what would you suggest?

Dark Archive

First off, change the name to 'Living Tide' perhaps, and the various earth-stone associations with one based on evasive / dodge-based 'fluid' fighting, and either flexible weapons, such as the whip, chain, net, flail, etc. (weapons that can 'flow' around defenses) or piercing weapons (rapiers, spears, etc.) that work mostly unhindered underwater.

Less 'slower and tougher' more 'faster and more agile,' but also 'relentless and enduring' with class abilities with thematic names like Ebb and Flow (in which you can drag another person along with you when you 5 ft. step, even if it you are the one being involuntarily repositioned, dragging the attacker along with you, or get a counter-attack as a reaction if you are missed while fighting defensively)

I'm not immediately thinking of a good 'Sphinx' analogue for a water themed 'monolith,' but the Sea Serpent could be a 'totemic spirit beast' (complete with developing resistance to scrying and divination, among other more aquatic-themed abilities), or Marids could be the more intelligent wise old patrons of the class. Maybe even some oceanic fey? Something like selkies, sirens or neriads, if Pathfinder has something analogous (I'm too lazy to check my half-dozen Bestiaries to find out). :)

Set wrote:

First off, change the name to 'Living Tide' perhaps, and the various earth-stone associations with one based on evasive / dodge-based 'fluid' fighting, and either flexible weapons, such as the whip, chain, net, flail, etc. (weapons that can 'flow' around defenses) or piercing weapons (rapiers, spears, etc.) that work mostly unhindered underwater.

Less 'slower and tougher' more 'faster and more agile,' but also 'relentless and enduring' with class abilities with thematic names like Ebb and Flow (in which you can drag another person along with you when you 5 ft. step, even if it you are the one being involuntarily repositioned, dragging the attacker along with you, or get a counter-attack as a reaction if you are missed while fighting defensively)

I'm not immediately thinking of a good 'Sphinx' analogue for a water themed 'monolith,' but the Sea Serpent could be a 'totemic spirit beast' (complete with developing resistance to scrying and divination, among other more aquatic-themed abilities), or Marids could be the more intelligent wise old patrons of the class. Maybe even some oceanic fey? Something like selkies, sirens or neriads, if Pathfinder has something analogous (I'm too lazy to check my half-dozen Bestiaries to find out). :)

These are great suggestions thank you

What could replace these two things:


Attunement to Stone (Sp) wrote:

At 6th level, a living monolith can use meld into stone at will.
Assumption of Stone (Sp) wrote:

At 9th level, a living monolith may use statue as a spell-like ability with a range of personal at will. He also becomes immune to petrification.

Are there any water equivalent spells to Meld into Stone, and Statue?

Instead of Statue, i'd recommend Fluid Form!

Meld into Stone is tricky, but you could go with Water Breathing or something like that!

I like the idea of using a stoic creature like a Sea Serpent as a 'patron', but other aquatic creatures like krakens could work for a more evil theme.

Okay this is just my first pass, I need to go on and really drive home the theme of it but, I think by just altering the names of abilities, and some of the flavouring as to how they work, it has gone a long way

Living Tide wrote:

Class Features
The following are class features of the living tide prestige class. The caster level for powers that duplicate spell effects is equal to the living tide’s character level.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A living tide gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Storm Pearl (Su)
During his induction into this prestige class, a living tide has a pearl embedded in his forehead, often set with gems or inlaid with precious metals. This pearl is inscribed on its inner side with the tide’s true name and his oaths to the gods and pharaohs. It cannot be removed without his permission, cannot be dispelled (though it does not function in areas where magic does not work), and does not use a magic item slot.
The Storm Pearl grants the living tide a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, mind-affecting effects, effects that grant negative levels, and on saves to overcome negative levels.
A living tide can invoke the power of his Storm Pearl 3 times per day as a swift action, enabling him to grow in size as if using enlarge person (even if he is not a humanoid). When a living tide first gains the Storm Pearl ability, he must decide whether it takes the form of an Akoya or Mabe Pearl. If the character was a spellcaster before becoming a living tide, he can choose either an Akoya or Mabe Pearl. If the character was not a spellcaster before becoming a living tide, he must take a Mabe Pearl.

Akoya Pearl (Su)
Starting at 2nd level, a living tide with an ib stone gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a living tide, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A living tide with an ib stone does not gain the greater ka stone and master ka stone abilities.

Mabe Pearl (Su)
A living tide with a Mabe Pearl. gains Toughness as bonus feat. In addition, when a living tide uses his Mabe Pearl. to increase his size, his base attack bonus from his living tide class levels is equal to his living tide level.

Salted Wounds (Ex)
At 2nd level, the vital fluids and tissues of a living tide pump with salty brine that calcify (Petrify) in response to injury. A living tide automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the wounding special ability) and ability damage from blood drain.

Aqueous Form (Ex)
At 3rd level, the flesh of a living tide takes on a slick, oily appearance, and becomes slightly transparent, as if you were composed of liquid. This transparency is not enough to grant concealment. A living tide gains DR 1/— and 10% immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (as if wearing fortification armor). At 5th level and again at 8th level, this DR increases by 1 and the immunity to critical hits increases by 10%. When a living tide uses his soul stone to increase his size, these defenses temporarily increase by an additional 1 and 10%, respectively. At 5th level, a living tide becomes immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot).

Sea Legs (Ex)
At 4th level, a living tide becomes exceptionally stable on his feet, gaining a +4 bonus to his CMD when he resists a bull rush or trip attempt while in or on water. This stacks with a dwarf ‘s stability trait and similar abilities.

Drowning Sight (Su)
At 4th level, a living tide can perceive the balance of life and death within those they see, as if using deathwatch and detect undead simultaneously.
This power can be used at will and lasts as long as the living tide concentrates.

Greater Mabe Pearl (Su)
At 5th level, when a living tide with a Mabe Pearl invokes his Mabe Pearl’s power to increase his size, the living tide gains the benefit of righteous might rather than enlarge person. The DR gained from righteous might is based on the living tide’s alignment. A neutral living tide must choose which DR to gain from this ability. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

Attunement to Water (Sp)
At 6th level, a living monolith can use Fluid Form at will.

Summon Water Elemental (Sp)
At 7th level, a living tide can call upon the aid of the Water Elementals. Once per day, the living tide can call a Water Elemental to his presence and bargain for its services as if using planar ally to call upon an outsider. At 9th level, this ability functions as greater planar ally. The living tide gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence Water Elementals.

Water Sense (Su)
At 8th level, a Tear of Venir can sense vibrations in water, granting them blindsense 30 feet against creatures in contact with the same body of water. Once per day, a Tear of Venir can communicate with any creature that has the water subtype or a swim speed as if using Elemental Speech.

Liquid Coating (Sp)
At 9th level, a living tide can at will coat itself along with any garments and equipment worn or carried in a layer of water as hard as ice. In this form, the subject gains hardness 8. The subject retains its own hit points. The subject can see, hear, and smell normally, but it does not need to eat or breathe. Feeling is limited to those sensations that can affect the ice-hard substance of the individual’s body. Chipping is equal to a mere scratch, but breaking off one of the statue’s arms constitutes serious damage. The subject can return to its normal state, act, and then return instantly to its ice covered state (a free action) if it so desires. The Living Tide also becomes immune to petrification.

Endless Sea (Ex)
At 10th level, a living tide becomes immortal. They cease aging (though any aging effects already accrued remain in place) and become immune to energy drain and death effects, though he can still be killed by other means.

Judgment of the Tide (Sp)
At 10th level, a living tide gains the divine authority to demand truthful answers. Once per day, a living tide can conduct a ritual of inquisition. If performed on a dead body, this functions as speak with dead. Upon a living creature, it functions as a mark of justice that activates if the target lies to the living tide.
A living tide can also use this power to entreat the spirits of the living and the dead to answer questions as if using contact other plane (treat as contacting a lesser deity).

Master Mabe Pearl (Su)
At 10th level, when a living tide with a Mabe Pearl invokes his Mabe Pearl’s power to increase his size, he regains lost hit points as if he had rested for a night.
This healing does not restore temporary ability damage or provide other benefits of resting, and changing back does not heal him further.

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