Talcrion |

I apologize in advance for this question, my search fu is failing me.
Looking through the bestiary, naturally I see creatures that can cast spells. I'm curious if they have the same rules for spellcasting as characters.
I assume so, I just would have found it really nice if it said on the profiles how many actions each spell was as to save time from looking them up each time.

Castilliano |

NPC spells work the same as PC spells unless there's a special ability (on either side) that specifies what's different.
Monsters will tend to have more Innate Spells than PCs, but those work the same for both. Pay attention to which level the spell is at, since many are Heightened. And sometimes the spell's Traits are altered from the norm for a spell (something PC Bloodlines or Class Feats can do sometimes too.) The Bestiary should have all the Traits and data you need other than the spell's effects.