Home Region Boon?

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 1/5

I have read the boon and know that it allows "... fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions for uncommon character options ..."

Problem is that I cannot find where it is useful for anything other than picking a language.

Thus the question is: What are some uncommon character options where this would apply other that access to some languages?

There do not seem to be Traits anymore. Is this something regarding the ACP things you can earn?

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

The Lost Omens World Guide starts to make use of your home region as an access point for Uncommon things... it isn't so much a Core Rulebook thing, as much for every other book coming down the line which has Uncommon by region things in it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't see anything useful in the Lost Omens World Guide with respect to uncommon access other than the regional-specific archetypes. There still seems to be no way to access kukri or katana in organized play. Perhaps the Lost Omens Character Guide will provide some of that.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Back in July, Mark Seifter said on Pathfinder Friday that such options would really start appearing in the Lost Omens Character Guide.


1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Yep this is a problem.

The Exchange 1/5

Confusion. In PFS for 1.0, they did not use campaign settings (if I recall correctly) since they said PFS was its own campaign setting. In that case, what does it matter about Lost Omens if it is not legal?

2/5 5/5 **

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Garulo wrote:
Confusion. In PFS for 1.0, they did not use campaign settings (if I recall correctly) since they said PFS was its own campaign setting. In that case, what does it matter about Lost Omens if it is not legal?

That is contrary to my entire PFS experience--so contrary that I would almost believe this was just a trolling statement. There is an entire section of the Additional Resources dedicated to the Campaign Setting line of products.

TwilightKnight wrote:
I don't see anything useful in the Lost Omens World Guide with respect to uncommon access other than the regional-specific archetypes.

Based on early access or just the blogs? Because the blogs also mention regional Backgrounds, Feats, and Spells in addition to archetypes and advanced dedications.

The Exchange 1/5

Blake's Tiger wrote:
Garulo wrote:
Confusion. In PFS for 1.0, they did not use campaign settings (if I recall correctly) since they said PFS was its own campaign setting. In that case, what does it matter about Lost Omens if it is not legal?

That is contrary to my entire PFS experience--so contrary that I would almost believe this was just a trolling statement. There is an entire section of the Additional Resources dedicated to the Campaign Setting line of products.

TwilightKnight wrote:
I don't see anything useful in the Lost Omens World Guide with respect to uncommon access other than the regional-specific archetypes.
Based on early access or just the blogs? Because the blogs also mention regional Backgrounds, Feats, and Spells in addition to archetypes and advanced dedications.

Ah - thank you

BTW - I would almost believe your comment was insulting. Stating that I did not recall allowing different campaign settings in PFS is neither controversial nor likely to create an argument (definition of a troll). Adding your comment that my question was so contrary to your experience that no non-trolling person would have made it is insulting. If you ever forget a rule or miss a section in pathfinder, are we to assume you are now a troll since another person knows it?


Garulo wrote:
Blake's Tiger wrote:
Garulo wrote:
Confusion. In PFS for 1.0, they did not use campaign settings (if I recall correctly) since they said PFS was its own campaign setting. In that case, what does it matter about Lost Omens if it is not legal?

That is contrary to my entire PFS experience--so contrary that I would almost believe this was just a trolling statement. There is an entire section of the Additional Resources dedicated to the Campaign Setting line of products.

TwilightKnight wrote:
I don't see anything useful in the Lost Omens World Guide with respect to uncommon access other than the regional-specific archetypes.
Based on early access or just the blogs? Because the blogs also mention regional Backgrounds, Feats, and Spells in addition to archetypes and advanced dedications.

Ah - thank you

BTW - I would almost believe your comment was insulting. Stating that I did not recall allowing different campaign settings in PFS is neither controversial nor likely to create an argument (definition of a troll). Adding your comment that my question was so contrary to your experience that no non-trolling person would have made it is insulting. If you ever forget a rule or miss a section in pathfinder, are we to assume you are now a troll since another person knows it?

I doubt he was intending to be instulting, I think he was using it to emphasis how contrary he felt it was. Nor do I believe he was trying to call you a troll. (Trolling can take subtle approaches; a troll would be able to take a response and then get annoyed with it, thus provoking the controversy or argument.)

And, no, making rules mistakes is not a troll, getting annoyed and then misrepresenting an argument to make it sounding insulting could be, however. But anyways this is entirely off topic, and if oyu feel you have been insulted, better handled via private message, not public posting.

Anyways I'm looking forward to the Character Guide for more options, but seeing as the first purchase of the boon is free, I think it's not much of an issue there's little material to use with it.

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