Dragon's Demand play order

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society


Ok so I'm getting ready to run this in person next week for organized play. I noticed soemthing odd though. Typically PACS scenarios may be played in any order but Dragon's Demand (and CotCT) dictate the order in which scenarios should be played. I figured it would be addressed in the sanctioning document but I can't find it.

Do Dragon's Demand (and CotCT) scenarios have to be played in the order listed for organized play?


Sounds like an accidental oversight. I would imagine it is safe to play out of order due to players missing sessions.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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These rules from page 6 of the Guide still apply: "In Adventure Card Society play, you are not required to play through specific scenarios in order... Your character can play any scenario whose # is within 1 of that character’s current tier."

To be clear, you can mix-and-match sanctioned scenarios with standard PACS scenarios too.


Vic Wertz wrote:

These rules from page 6 of the Guide still apply: "In Adventure Card Society play, you are not required to play through specific scenarios in order... Your character can play any scenario whose # is within 1 of that character’s current tier."

To be clear, you can mix-and-match sanctioned scenarios with standard PACS scenarios too.

I missed that. Thanks Vic!

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